Thursday, March 6, 2025

Woman promises to start healthy new year resolution next week

Lorraine Fisher, 34 (stone), and her bored dog, Adnams

A Suffolk woman has decided it will be much better to wait until next week before starting her new year resolution health kick.

Speaking from her comfy sofa, Lorraine Fisher, 34, said a few more days of planning was needed.

“I will start next week, honest,” she said between mouthfuls of chocolates and crisps.

Lorraine and her portly partner Steve, 43, say this is the year they will finally take up exercise and slim down.

New year resolution

“A new year resolution is a perfect opportunity to get off my backside and do some exercise,” Lorraine insisted.

“I’m going to start with some gentle dog walks. But I can’t just go out with the dog without planning my routes first. I might get lost.

“So I am drawing up some options, beginning with walking to the end of the road and back. This all takes time.

“I promise to start on Monday. Or maybe Tuesday – you have to ease yourself gently into these things.”

Meanwhile, Lorraine’s bored dog, Adnams is still waiting patiently.

He said: “I keep sitting here on the sofa looking at her, hoping she will actually shift her arse and get up.

“I don’t hold out much hope, to be honest.”

New year, new mugs

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