Thursday, March 6, 2025

Wind farms ordered to create breeze to cool down Britain

Breezy does it: wind farms to cool UK (Photo: Rob Farrow under CC BY SA 2.0)

The Government has asked offshore wind farms to switch their giant fans into reverse to create a cooling breeze for sweltering Britain.

Rather than turning clockwise to harvest the wind for energy, bosses will switch the turbines to anti-clockwise for three days.

Once they get up to speed, it is expected much of coastal Britain will feel a breeze within hours. Inland areas will be an hour later.

Currently in the grip of a heatwave, with sticky hot air and no wind, Brits are unable to sleep or function.

Government renewable energy minister Lorraine Fisher, 34, said: “We have plenty of electricity stockpiled currently.

“With enough to keep the lights on, it makes sense to reverse the turbines and use them as giant fans.

“The relief should be felt within hours, dipping temperatures by a few degrees.”

There are many wind farms around the coast, with Suffolk having several within easy reach, including the recently completed East Anglia ONE project.

Bosses have been told to press the switch that allows all the wind farm turbines to swivel so that all of Britain gets a fair amount of breeze.

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