Thursday, February 20, 2025

Wiltshire Council jumps on ‘bandwagon of filth’

Wiltshire Council jumps on ‘bandwagon of filth’
Wiltshire Council jumps on ‘bandwagon of filth’

Wiltshire Council in South West England, is jumping on the filthy bandwagon. Tsk! tsk!

Regular readers of the SUFFOLK GAZETTE will remember that in our December issue,.we reported on how filthy Cumbria County Council was enjoying ‘rubbing cum in our faces’ as it renamed its local places of interest with filthy, SEX-related names.

Wilsford cum Lake (which used to be good old ‘Wilsford Lake’) is a civil parish in the Woodford valley in Wiltshire. Wilsford is about 6 miles north of the respectable cathedral town of Salisbury. Misleadingly, there is no cum-filled lake in the parish (it has just been renamed to exploit sex tourists),.but for those interested in rotten corpses, there are some interesting archaeological features in the form of a Neolithic long barrow (burial site) and around 40 Bronze Age round barrows. How riveting.

Bright Young Cock

The only other thing of note in the entire parish is Wilsford House, an early 20th Century erection.(filth!) belonging to the family of  Sir Edward Tennant,.a Scottish politician who was Member of Parliament for Salisbury from 1906 to 1910. Upon his death, the house was inherited by his idle, reclusive son, Stephen Tennant,. who was a leading member of the ‘bright young things’ social set of young aristocrats and socialites who,.in the 1920’s, threw flamboyant fancy dress parties, snorted lots of cocaine, and went on elaborate treasure hunts through nighttime London. Filth!

Our Advice…

Our advice is to f*ck Wiltshire and holiday in beautiful, family-orientated, East Suffolk, where the only cum lakes you will find will be in and around London Road – the area known locally as Ipswich’s red light district.


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