Thursday, March 6, 2025

Vegan to give up being smug for Lent

A vegan has decided she is going to give up being smug for Lent, it has emerged.

Gemma Smithson, 29, of Woodbridge, has confirmed she will not thrust her annoyingly virtuous beliefs down everyone else’s throats for 40 whole days.


“It’s not that I am religious at all, but I wanted to respect Lent by giving up something for 40 days. I am really rather wonderful because I do not consume animals products of any kind, nor do I have tasty sugary treats, smoke or drink alcohol.

“But that does all mean I am extremely smug, and I like to drop the fact that I am vegan into conversation about three times every hour.

“So it seemed the hardest thing for me to give up this Lent is being so pleased with myself.”

Vegan gives up being smug for LentPious pledge: vegan Gemma Smithson says she will stop being smug for Lent

Lent begins tomorrow (wednesday) and lasts for six weeks.

Gemma added: “I will also try to stop challenging people when they are about to tuck into their favourite bacon sandwich. I mean, I think it is my place to ask them if they are aware how animals are massacred for their eating pleasure. I’ll even offer to send them links to some informative videos on the subject.


“But for 40 days you won’t hear a peep out of me. Even if you have beef juices dripping down your chin, I won’t say a word.”

However, friends of Gemma, who is a yoga, wellness and mindfullness life coach, feared she would break her Lent vow. One said: “She won’t last five bloody minutes before forcing some veganism crap upon us.”

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