Thursday, March 6, 2025

Top Ways to Ensure Responsible Gambling

Online and physical casinos are legal in the UK. This regulation was a great choice, filling the budget and ensuring that the government has a decent oversight of how people engage in this activity. It also gave the government a way to address the issue of problem gambling, which one portion of the population was always susceptible to.

Remember, these people would always find a way to wager, regardless if online casinos were legal or illegal. Fortunately, legalization ensured that we now have a way to provide them with the resources they need to figure it out.

One of the biggest problems in this effort is the use of inefficient methods. Here are some of these methods and what you should do instead.

Top Ways to Ensure Responsible Gambling

1.  Self-Exclusion Programs (Like GamStop)

A lot of people try to solve this problem by enrolling in a self-exclusion program like GamStop. The problem is that it’s easy to go around. You can make a new online persona, use a VPN, or just look for casino sites not on GamStop. The last part is really the easiest.

The reason why it’s so problematic and why it actually doesn’t work is that people put too much faith in it. They want a complex problem to have a simple solution. In their arrogance, they believe that they can just enter their data into a list of sorts and have it solved without having to undergo any effort or endure personal development.

The real solution is to learn the rules of responsible gambling instead. Understand that you’re playing for fun, not to make money. Learn how to limit yourself when it comes to the time you spend on these platforms and the amount of money that you’re spending.

This is a lot harder to do with online casinos, mostly because you eventually have to go home from a conventional casino, but with an online casino, you can just log in after a few minutes. Controlling your spending is also a bit harder. Fortunately, when you learn these rules, you can apply them to both online and offline casinos. 

2.  Cold Turkey Approach

In theory, the cold turkey approach sounds like the best thing to do. If you’re doing something that’s bad for you, just stop doing it, right? Well, this is about as effective as telling someone who’s depressed just to stop feeling sad. If you stop to think of it, it doesn’t sound like a good idea. 

First of all, this leads to strong cravings, similar to how dieting without ever having a cheat meal/day will backfire into a horrible Yo-Yo effect.

Simply put, the cold turkey approach has incredibly high relapse rates because it tries to force you into solving the issue by applying a maximum amount of force, which often creates a strong pushback. Also, keep in mind that this approach is (falsely) seen by a lot of people as the most effective one, which is why, when it fails, it leaves everyone disheartened.

The worst of all is the fact that it misses the root cause. It doesn’t even try to examine why things happen; it just assumes that the problem is standalone and that by treating the symptoms, you’ll do enough.

Gradual reduction with counseling is better and gives better, long-lasting results.

3.  Blocking Gambling Sites

Trying to block online casinos is incredibly easy to bypass with VPNs. Most people are already using these tools to keep their financial information secure, while others leverage VPNs to bypass geo-restrictions. Either way, it’s a tool that they’re familiar with and a tool that they probably have installed on more than one device. In fact, some premium antivirus software plans include a VPN as a feature.

In other words, you don’t have to look for the tools that will allow you to avoid this blockade – you already have them installed, which means that “cheating” this restriction is likely just a click away.

Another big problem with blocking gambling sites is the fact that it focuses only on online gambling. There’s nothing preventing you from just going to the nearest casino and playing on actual slots. Don’t get us wrong; there’s nothing wrong with slot games or blackjack. However, if you are a problem gambler, online or offline, it won’t make a difference – it will still be a problem.

What you need to do is address the compulsion beneath. Why can’t you stop or honor your own limits? Why can’t you leave when the alarm clock warns you or when you’re already past your budget limit? There’s usually a good psychological explanation beneath this, and by addressing the issue directly, you’ll understand the issue better.

4.  Financial Control Methods

This is problematic because it only stops access to funds, not the urge. In other words, you may no longer be able to spend money on spins, but you’ll see the wheel spinning in front of your eyes every time you close them.

In an alternative scenario, there are people who won’t accept no for an answer. This means that the restriction of their regular funds (especially if it’s restricted by someone else, like a spouse or a family member) can lead to borrowing or stealing. If they see the lack of funds as the only obstacle (instead of the fact that they clearly have a problem), they’ll find a way around it (the worst way possible).

Financial stress can worsen the problem. As we’ve already mentioned, a lot of people look at gambling as a form of entertainment. Entertainment can be a form of escapism, which is why it makes sense that a person under an immense amount of stress might try to escape deeper down the rabbit hole.

At the same time, this method isn’t completely ineffective, and if you use financial controls alongside therapy., you have a chance to achieve a great effect.

5.  Relying on Family Pressure

The biggest problem with relying on family pressure is that it causes tension and secrecy. Moreover, it puts the burden of solving a problem onto someone else, which is a bit selfish, aside from being inefficient.

Another problem that this creates is that it ushers a blame culture. Instead of understanding that you have a problem and what this problem is, you’ll sidetrack yourself into believing that the real problem comes from the fact that your casino experience is public knowledge. Instead of just learning how to be more moderate, you’ll look for anonymous casinos, which will ensure that you can play, and no one will be able to find out.

In reality, it’s not gambling that’s the problem; it’s the lack of moderation. With the right family support and the support of your friend group, you’ll develop a shame-free approach to responsible wagering.

Remember, as long as you’re doing it for fun, and you’re not causing yourself financial problems, you’re not doing anything wrong. This is a form of entertainment, and people who point out that the proof that this is bad lies in the amount of money you spend on it have clearly never heard of people who passionately collect LEGO or paint Warhammer 40K figurines. Everything fun costs money; it’s just about what you can afford.

Moderation is the only solution

Don’t try to restrict yourself or quit cold turkey. These methods just don’t work. Instead, approach the issue systemically and look for guidance that will allow you to treat the root cause of your compulsion. Also, remember, there’s nothing wrong with gambling, and a lot of people are able to do it responsibly for most of their adult lives. Just find what’s causing “the problem” and treat the root cause. That’s it!

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