Sunday, January 26, 2025

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Suffolk mom lays TINFOIL on the dinner table to save energy

Suffolk mom lays TINFOIL on the dinner table to save energy

Innumerate, lazy mum reveals how she lays TINFOIL on the dinner table and gets family to eat with hands to save energy amidst cost-of-living crisis.

Struggling Suffolk mum-of-six, Becky Curly, has shared her novel life hacks and cash-saving tips with online followers.

The craziest one – serving lunches and dinners on a tinfoil-covered tabletop without plates and cutlery – is designed to save money on the cost of running her dishwasher. Curly, says she got the idea from new PM, Rishi Sunak whose family is also believed, as is the tradition in Indian culture, to have eaten dinners with their hands. The method is a bit like unfurling a giant packed-lunch and spreading it all over the table.

Questionable economics – Curly & Sunak

Whether or not the numbers add up in the way that the lazy, innovative mum and the new PM think, has not yet been tested. So let’s take a closer look…

Curly/Sunak method:

  • Sainsbury’s Trust Catering TinFoil 366mm x 60m (£6.50 or 11p p/m) 2 metre table covering = 22p
  • Cost of washing hands before and after eating (presumably) for a family of eight (16 x 7p per basin of hot water = £1.12
  • Soap (estimate) = 2p

Total energy / raw material cost of the Curly/Sunak method: £1.36 per meal.

Dishwasher method:

  • Dishwasher energy cost per load (19p per kWh) = 22p
  • 1 x dishwasher tablet = 14p

Total energy / raw material cost of the dishwasher method: 36p per meal.

Don’t be so lazy, wash it by hand method:

  • Cost per large sink of hot water = 21p
  • Soap (estimate) = 5p

Total energy / raw material cost of the Don’t be so lazy, wash it by hand method: 26p per meal.

Everyone’s happy with TINFOIL

So there we have it. True austerity demands that mums shouldn’t be so lazy and just wash the dishes by hand. Even better than that, dad can take the money saved by the wife’s manual dishwashing down to Gluttons singles bar in Halesworth, to buy drinks for his new ex-wife. Perfect!

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