Thursday, March 6, 2025

‘Being called Donald Trump has ruined my life’

By Hugh Dunnett
Crime Correspondent

A Suffolk man with the same name as controversial US Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has called in police after being repeatedly threatened and ridiculed.

Donald Trump, 32, from Bury St Edmunds, started getting hate letters through the mail last month, and now he’s also receiving up to 30 abusive telephone calls a day – many from America.

“At first I thought it was funny having the same name as him,” Mr Trump said from the hardware store he runs with his brother, James. “But since the American Donald Trump started becoming more extreme and bigoted in his views, I’ve had nothing but trouble.

“It’s one thing people having a joke, but they think they are writing to or calling the real Donald Trump, and have no idea I am just a shopkeeper from Suffolk trying to earn an honest living. It has ruined my life and so I called the police.”

Man called Donald TrumpThe controversial Presidential candidate, left, and Suffolk’s Donald Trump on the right

Letters passed on to police include one which threatens to burn down his house for his racist views towards Mexicans trying to get across the border into America. Another questions his abrasive attitude towards women, suggesting he should “watch his back”.

“Those sort of accusations are very upsetting,” said Suffolk’s Mr Trump. “I don’t actually know any Mexicans, but I enjoy Mexican food as much as any man.

“And suggesting I am somehow sexist is ridiculous – I’ve been happily married for ten years, and I do my share of the shopping, cooking and housework.

“I have toyed with the idea of changing my name by deed poll, but I’m going to stick it out and hope that Hillary Clinton wipes the floor with him at the election and we never hear of the other Donald Trump again.”

Even children laugh at Donald Trump as he walks along Angel Lane and Churchgate Street in Bury St Edmunds on his way to work. “I don’t mind their teasing,” Mr Trump said. “It’s the vile hate letters and calls I can’t stand.

“I can’t even let my wife or daughter answer our home telephone because it will almost certainly be someone screaming abuse down the line. I don’t know how they got my number, because last month I was forced to go ex-directory. I assume it has been shared on social media somewhere.”

An insider at Suffolk Police said: “This is an unusual case. We have advised a 32-year-old man from Bury St Edmunds on matters of personal safety, and we are investigating a number of threatening letters he has received in the post.”

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