Thursday, March 6, 2025

Salt Bae wins World Cup of plonkers

Salt Bae wins World Cup of plonkers
Salt Bae at Qatar Football World cup 2022

Celebrity chef and professional ligger, Salt Bae is the new holder of the World Cup of Plonkers. He won the coveted award in a no-contest after his impressively embarrassing behaviour at the soccer World Cup final in Qatar. 

Salt Bae

The Turkish restaurateur who, judging by the reviews of his food, is better at self-publicity than he is at cooking,.made a complete tit of himself, brilliantly, as the Argentinians celebrated their penalty-kick victory over France on the pitch after the game.

Too much, Salt

In a skillful demonstration of stealing the limelight from the players, Salt Bae, real name Nusret Gökçe,.grabbed hold of the world cup trophy and waved it about in front of bemused soccer acknowledgment of his achievement of being named the biggest tit at the tournament.

Quite why he was allowed onto the pitch after the game no-one knows,.but considering the entire tournament was built on dodgy money,.one can only assume that a few Qatari Riyals changed hands pitchside.

Sodium odium

Demented Salt Bae, who allegedly extracts the salt he famously uses in his meat dishes from his excessive perspiration,.had hoped to compete for the U.S. Open Cup Soccer tournament’s ‘biggest twonk’ title next year, however, after his antics in Qatar,.the tournament has announced that he is not welcome to attend… so expect to see him pitchside or playing in goal for one of the teams when the competition begins in March 2023.

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