Thursday, March 6, 2025

PM Rishi Sunak stole my job, says Lorry Driver

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak stole my job, says Lorry Driver
Bubba Spuckler – 56 “Lorry Driver is apparently not happy with Mr Sunnak!

Diwali day celebrations at Rishi Sunak. Becoming Britain’s first non-white and Hindu Prime Minister were this afternoon. Spoiled by a 56-year-old lorry driver “Bubba Spuckler”. Claiming that he, and not Mr Sunak, should rightfully be the nation’s newest PM.

Sunak, 42, a GP’s son whose Indian grandparents emigrated from Kenya to Britain. Today he became the Prime Minister after his two closest rivals, Boris Johnson and Penny Mordaunt pulled out of the race to lead the Conservatives and the nation.

I didn’t know Bejam was still going!

However, a disgruntled native of Downham Market in Norfolk, Bubba Spuckler (the lorry driver) took to social media to state. “An Indian Prime Minister and a Muslim London Mayor. I told you they’ll come over here and steal our jobs!. Quite how Mr Spuckler’s current position as a lorry driver for Bejam qualifies him as an overlooked contender for Mr Sunak’s new role, he did not make clear.

Buba the Lorry Driver

Nor, did lorry driver, whose Facebook page carries a picture of him wearing faded dungarees without any underclothes. Explain why he thinks he would be suited to run London, a city with a population of 8.8 million diverse citizens and an annual budget of over £638 million.

Horses for courses

This isn’t to say of course that London Mayor, Sadiq Khan who was born in Tooting, South London. Sunak who is from Southampton (both English), would be capable of hauling frozen goods across East Anglia in a 44-tonne articulated lorry (although they probably could.)

The Peter principle

…is a theory put forward by Canadian educationalist, Laurence J. Peter, which suggests that people in a management hierarchy. Who are promoted based on their success in previous jobs, will eventually reach a level at which they are no longer competent, and therefore fail or rise no further. This is due to the truism that skills that apply in one job, do not necessarily translate to another. Liz Truss.

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