Thursday, March 6, 2025

Prospectors strike oil worth billions on Suffolk coast

Prospectors on the Suffolk coast have struck oil worth billions of pounds, it has emerged.

They have been test drilling on Sizewell beach for weeks and today tapped into a huge oil field thought to contain around four billion barrels.


Never before has oil been discovered in such a posh area, sandwiched as it is between Southwold and Aldeburgh, and experts say that as a result it will produce the most refined oil ever brought to market.

And experts say because it comes from such a well-heeled source, consumers can expect to pay a premium for the end product to fuel their cars and homes.

The discovery was made close to Sizewell B Nuclear power station, and makes it likely that the proposed Sizewell C will be put on hold so a new oil pipeline can be built linking to a state-of-the-art oil refinery at Thorpeness.

Drilling for oil at SizewellBlack gold: prospectors drilling for oil at Sizewell this week

While new oil money will be welcome, making the Suffolk coast the Dallas of Europe, environmentalists are less enthusiastic.

“We should be looking at alternative energy like wind farms, not fishing about for fossil fuels,” a green campaigner said.

But Mr Bob Ewing, of Well Oiled and Lubricated Ltd, which struck gold at Sizewell, said: “This new oil field will provide fuel for Britain for generations.


“Who needs green alternative energies when we’ve got all this oil right under our feet.”

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