Thursday, March 6, 2025

Prince Harry’s naked romp in Aldeburgh hotel

Prince Harry naked
By Jane Seymour, Royal Editor

Prince Harry has been sensationally photographed cavorting naked during a raunchy hotel party in downtown Aldeburgh.

He was visiting the party capital of Suffolk to let his hair down between stuffy Christmas and New Year celebrations with the Queen and Royal Family in Sandringham, Norfolk.

But Harry’s innocent fun turned increasingly wild before ending with a rowdy game of strip shove ha’penny with fun-loving locals in his hotel suite.

The Suffolk Gazette has been offered photographs of the Royal crown jewels but has declined to publish them in case it got sued out of deep respect for the Royal Family.

Prince Harry, who has previously holidayed in Las Vegas, decided this year to party in Aldeburgh, the Suffolk resort where anything goes. Thrill-seeking visitors are normally assured: “What happens in Aldeburgh, stays in Aldeburgh” – but the Queen’s grandson must have known he would be an exception.

He enjoyed a 12-hour bender at the plush hotel, beginning with a six-hour party in the outdoor pool with friends and random other guests. He quaffed endless pints of Adnams, the local cocktail, and frolicked in the water with local lovelies as traditional Suffolk morris dancers entertained guests poolside.

Then the tipsy group of 20 continued the party in the hotel bar before moving to the Prince’s VIP suite. There a pal suggested they play strip shove ha’penny, which is when Harry ended up nude together with two local fishermen’s wives, aged in their early 60s.

Shove ha'pennyThe shove ha’penny board in Harry’s suite
Photographs in the VIP suite were taken by a Norfolk smallholder, a Mr Bubba Spuckler, who was visiting Aldeburgh for a few days with his sister and their eight children.

Mr Spuckler is believed to have made hundreds of thousands of pounds from selling the photographs of the naked Harry in his Aldeburgh hotel to tabloid newspapers around the world.

A Buckingham Palace insider said: “This is not the first time Prince Harry has let his heir down. But Prince Charles has forgiven him.”

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