Monday, March 3, 2025

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Top 5 must-have Pokemon for great attack stats

There are currently around 900 Pokemon, in all shapes and sizes whether it’s a card game or a video game. But when it comes down to battle, some are better than others, based on stats such as Attack, Special Attack, Defence, Special Defence, HP and so on.

While all these stats are necessary to have, some like to play it aggressively and, in that case, having a high attack is crucial to land that final blow to the opposition. So, we have come up with the list of top 5 must-have Pokemon for attack!

Calyrex (Attack – 165)

Many Pokemon when it comes to appearance, they look like a cute little monster that no one would actually be afraid of, but not Calyrex. This Pokemon looks like a soldier ready for battle with what appears to be a mythical horse straight outta Greek god’s era.

With 165 base attack, Calyrex shows no mercy to the opponents in the battle. If you are going all out on the front line, having Calyrex could really turn the table around for you!

Rampardos (Attack – 165)

Dinosaurs are thing of a past, or are they? Well, looking at this Pokemon, I think they still exist. Rampardos has a skull as hard as Iron that can totally annihilate any defense. The attack stats falls on 165 for this rock-type Pokemon with blood red eyes, out for revenge.

Zacian (Attack – 170)

Speaking of battle, our next in the list, Zacian is all set for battle with its shiny sword. Zacian with its 170 base attack surely isn’t messing around, it can easily take out most Pokemon with a single strike of its sword.

And Zacian, quite easily tops the list for the most powerful fairy type Pokemon. It is a must have Pokemon for someone trying to unleash havoc on the opposition.

Deoxys (Attack – 180)

Speaking of appearances, Deoxys can easily fool anyone by it’s not so constant guise. It is one of the most powerful Pokemon when it comes to list of Psychic type, with a staggering base attack of 180. It looks like an alien of steroids.

Kartana (Attack – 181)

Making it to the top of our list, we have Kartana with an immense base attack of 181. It looks a starfish x some bird with blades for the limbs. It might not appear to be much of a danger, but Kartana can slay anyone who stands in its way.

If it ain’t apparent already, Kartana sure looks like name inspired by Katana, an exquisite sword known for deadly hits.

These are the top 5 Pokemon when it comes to deadly attack and in case you don’t have any, you can surely find some Pokemon Go Pokemons for cheap on Eldorado, the most trusted in-game trading platform where you can find all sorts of deals on your favourite titles.

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