Thursday, March 6, 2025

Oxfam prostitute scandal deepens


By Hugh Dunnett, Crime Correspondent

The Oxfam prostitute scandal is worse than first feared, we can reveal.

An undercover investigation by this newspaper revealed vice girls are openly being used by the charity to boost funds.

Oxfam prostitute

Our reporters watched in horror as a Suffolk Oxfam charity shop opened its doors for business as a brothel.

At 9.15am on Tuesday morning, volunteer staff turned up for work at the shop and lit up the window display where three scantily-clad ladies were offering their services.

Anti-vice campaigner Lorraine Fisher, 34, was horrified when we showed her our evidence.

“The charity has tried to claim the scandal following the 2010 Haiti earthquake, where its aid workers hired vulnerable local people for sex, was a one-off.
“But now we can see it is actually offering official Oxfam prostitute services to the general public.”


Ms Fisher called for the charity, which faces losing huge amounts of financial support following the revelations, to clean up its act.

“Nobody out shopping in a Suffolk high street wants to see this sort of thing. It’s not as though they are even trying to hide it. These women are brazenly offering themselves from the window.”

An Oxfam insider said: “We have indeed lost a lot of donations since the public was told our staff spent money on prostitutes.

“So nobody should be surprised we have been forced to extend the products we have on sale in our charity shops.”

Pensioner Derek Smith, 76, who popped into the shop to find some new shoes, was surprised by what he saw.

“I didn’t know which way to look,” he said. “They keep moving the shoes around.”

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