Saturday, March 1, 2025

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Suffolk Gazette goes fishing, catches Norwich fans

By Courtney Pike, Angling Correspondent

When it comes to winding up Norwich fans, the Suffolk Gazette takes its work very seriously. So, when we recently put some juicy bait on the line using a cheeky Twitter trick, the poor soles in Norfolk bit and were left wriggling on the hook. In fact, we reeled in a whole load of them.

The plan was simple. Using a clever piece of software, we made sure that every time a Norwich fan Tweeted using the hashtag #NCFC they were automatically added to various Suffolk Gazette lists including I’m Really an ITFC Fan. They then got an automated message informing them of this joyous news. And they were very cross.

Many clearly had no idea how Twitter lists work and seemed to think we needed their permission to add them to anything. Others thought we had somehow hacked into their account. One even wanted to call in the lawyers.

They couldn’t fathom what was happening to them.

In fact, they were feeling violated.

Some were very cross.

But when they complained by Tweeting us directly using @SuffolkGazette, things got even worse for them…

… because Tweeting us automatically added them to another list called Suffolk Stars!

Of course, all of this was being played out in front of thousands on Twitter, and Ipswich fans were enjoying the fishing expedition.

Eventually, some of the Norwich fans got the joke. At first, they were like…

… then they were like

And once the penny dropped, inevitably the joke was turned on the Suffolk Gazette itself, and we found ourselves being added to some lists as well.

There was even a list created called “Tossers”, and the Suffolk Gazette remains the only member. And for that, we are very proud.

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