Thursday, March 6, 2025

Traffic chaos on Norfolk’s first motorway

Norfolk motorway
Traffic chaos on Norfolk’s new M140

By Ian Bred, Norfolk Correspondent

The opening of Norfolk’s first ‘motorway’ has caused traffic chaos, it has emerged.

The super-highway across fields linking Downham Market and Norwich descended into farce when local yokels discovered they had no idea how to use it.

One man assumed his push-bike – one of the first newfangled two-wheel contraptions to be introduced in the county – had right of way on the new route.

But people wandering around aimlessly admiring the hedges also claimed they had the right of way.

The result was chaos with neither side clear what the rule of the road should be.

Norfolk traffic cop Sgt Bubba Spuckler said: “It will take a few years for this new motorway to settle in.

“The good news is it cuts down the travel time between Downham Market and Norwich to four days.”

Roads minister Lorraine Fisher, 34, said: “We gave Norfolk some money for their roads. It turns out they do not have roads so they opened a new footpath.”

The news comes after it emerged the A140 between Suffolk and Norfolk was being sponsored by Anusol because it’s a pain the in the arse.

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