Thursday, March 6, 2025

Six-Fingered Norfolk is first new cloud for 70 years

New Norfolk cloud added to Cloud Atlas
By Ian Bred, Norfolk Correspondent

The Six-Fingered Norfolk cloud is the first new “species” to be added to the International Cloud Atlas in more than 70 years, it has emerged.

The mysterious cloud formation is called the Six-Fingered Norfolk because it resembles a six-fingered hand – and only appears in the skies over the rural East Anglian county.

Now it has been added to the Cloud Atlas, the official cloud bible of the World Meteorological Society, and is the first new cloud formation since 1951.

An Atlas spokesman said: “We began getting reports of the new cloud shape over Norfolk in recent years. We have no idea why it only appears there, or what causes it.

Norfolk skies

“But it is very exciting to be able to add a new cloud species after all these years.”

Norfolk farmer Bubba Spuckler, who lives in Downham Market with his sister and their eight children, said: “I looked up one day and said to my sister, ‘That cloud looks like our hands’.

“I was chatting down the cattle market last week and others had seen it, too. We feel honoured that it has been named the Six-Fingered Norfolk cloud, but we have no idea why it only appears here.”

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