Wednesday, January 22, 2025

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Climate protesters call off Heathrow demo so Emma Thompson can fly back to LA

Extinction Rebellion protesters called off their blockade of Heathrow Airport in case celebrity agitator Emma Thompson wanted to return to the US.

The actress was so concerned about the impact of flying on the climate that she flew 5,400 miles from Los Angeles just to make her point.


Once she had got herself on the news, she was free to hop back on a huge aircraft to fly half-way around the world again, generating 1.67 tonnes of CO2 in the process.

It’s thought the protesters, who have brought central London to a standstill, decided against trying to ground aircraft from Heathrow when it emerged Thompson might want to take her umpteenth flight of the year.

Crusty-haired, middle-class, jobless climate change protester Lorraine Fisher, 34, said: “We are dead against people flying – it damages the environment and we are all going to die.

“It was lovely of Emma Thompson to fly in from LA to join us.”


Meanwhile, police say they have nothing better to do rather than standing around watching people breaking the law and blocking bridges, Oxford Street and Parliament Square.

One officer insisted: “We have arrested around 400 of them, but the journeys in gas-guzzling police vans to and from the nick are probably defeating the object.”


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