Thursday, March 6, 2025

New vehicles called cars arrived in Suffolk

New vehicles
New vehicles called cars arrived in Suffolk

Announcement: New vehicles called cars are now ready for your inspection!!

Introduced to the American public in 1908, the Ford Motor Company’s Model T was the right car at the right time. It was affordable, efficient, and reliable. Quickly, the Model T became the standard by which all other budget motorcars were judged.

Now, 114 years later, and thanks to recent technological advances in international freight & shipping, lucky residents of Suffolk will soon be able to OWN THEIR OWN CAR!

Join the 21st century:

Suffolk Fair-Maids! Gone are the days of uncomfortably straddling dogs, mules, donkeys, zedonks and horses.

Being dragged on a rope, or traveling by barrow, horse & cart, or basic sled is soon to be a thing of the past! You… yes YOU are invited to join  the rest of us in the 21st Century by owning (or more likely leasing) your own incredible four-wheeled road vehicle known as a car (from the Latin ‘carrot carrier’.)

What is a car (new Vehicles)?

A car is like a horse but instead of legs, it has newer, updated versions of the stone wheels that people in Suffolk use on their carts and barrows. The wheels are covered in a robust outer layer made of rubber which is… oh, don’t worry about it, it’s complicated.

Basically, the four-wheeled horse will help you transport your wares (fruit, vegetables, cheese, milk, ale, etc.) to the local market or carry your dead to the nearest funeral pyre.

Visit other counties:

To make it work, you will have to regularly ‘feed’ the car with fuel, but don’t worry, you can import this from other counties across England. Someone from your family will also have to sit on the car to control it using a steering wheel (which is like the helm on a galleon) and some foot pedals which are like the reins on your horse.

Tinted windscreen stickers bearing the names of you and your sweetheart which are evidently already widely available across Suffolk and can add a stylish, personal touch to your newly rented vehicle.

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