Saturday, February 22, 2025

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Morrisinghs (formerly Singhsbury’s) ‘reiterates special offer’

Morrisinghs (formerly Singhsbury’s) ‘reiterates special offer’

Suffolk supermarket, Singhsbury’s, owned and managed by local trader, Barry Singh (45) is in the news again following a controversial ‘not special offer’ it made on Unilever’s ‘Pot Noodle Champion Chicken Lost The Pot Noodle’.

‘Lost The Pot’ (which is intended as a pun on ‘lost the plot’ i.e. Unilever has gone bonkers) Pot Noodles are basically Pot Noodles – without the pot. Considering the whole purpose and appeal of Pot Noodle is that you can have a quick, unhealthy snack (‘super tasty’, ‘heav-hen-ly delicious’ –  according to the official blurb), without the need to do the dishes afterwards, it is possible that Unilever has indeed ‘lost the pot.’

Product does not contain peas

With the new noodle product (‘A quick, filling and tasty noodle dish ready in just 5 minutes—ahhh, peas and quiet’ – according to the official blurb) leaving consumers cold, no wonder supermarketeer, Singh is offering the starchy, dehydrated, pea-less noodles for the new knockdown, special offer price of 50p, a reduction of 0p on its former price of… 50p. Yes, that’s right, the special offer discount on all Lost The Pot products at Singhsbury’s is… nothing.

This reporter asked Mr Singh what he was playing at.

“First of all, we are not called Singhsbury’s anymore. We haven’t been called Singhsbury’s since 2017. We are called Morrisinghs. Look… it says it outside.”

“Yes, OK, but what about the not-very-special offer on the unpotted noodles?”

“But do you promise you will get the shop name right in the article?”



“Yes, yes, promise. Now… the shit offer?”

“The way I see it… it is a reiteration.”

“A reiteration?”

“Yes. A reiteration of the previous special offer. If it was special before – which it was – most of the big superstores do these shitty noodles for 60 or 70p, then the price of 50p is still special now, right? What is not special about it now, that was special about it before. Eh? You tell me.”

“Err? Nothing I suppose.”

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