Monday, February 3, 2025

Loch Ness Bonkster finally spotted in Scotland

Loch Ness Bonkster spotted in Scotland at last (Photo: Lorraine McFisher, 34)

By Midge Cockburn, Scottish Reporter

The mythical Loch Ness Bonkster is in Scotland after all, our exclusive photograph shows.

Legendary for being hard to find when the going gets tough, the slippery beast was snapped in Loch Ness.

With Britain gripped in a pandemic, its worst-ever recession and an education results shambles, the legendary Bonkster claimed he was heading to Scotland on a camping trip. With his four-month-old son. Bliss.

But there has been no sign of him since, leading some commentators to speculate he was not in Scotland at all. They claim it is far more likely to be in Greece celebrating his father’s 80th birthday.

However, the Suffolk Gazette is the first newspaper to track the Loch Ness Bonkster down, with this exclusive photograph.

Our Scotland office staff photographer, Lorraine McFisher, 34, hid in bushes with a long lens by the loch, waiting for the legendary figure to emerge.

She waited four days, then finally at dusk yesterday, attracted by the decoy sound of a young lady cooing, the Bonkster emerged.

“It was an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime photograph,” she said.

“Everyone thought he wasn’t in Scotland at all and it was a ruse. But this photo proves he is there.”

However, despite the photographic evidence, some suggest it is a forgery and Ms McFisher has been duped. When the Bonkster does finally emerge back in Downing Street, everyone will be looking for a tell-tale tan. If he has any colour, then the whole Scottish thing was a ruse.

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