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Men crumble under supermarket checkout pressure


By Colin Allcabs
Consumer correspondent

Men admitted last night to crumbling under the pressure of filling their bags efficiently and quickly at supermarket checkouts.

While women can pack away with no fuss whatsoever, men become flustered as the first goods roll across the scanner and down into the packing area.

With a queue of impatient customers waiting in line, and a checkout person scanning items at seemingly lightening speed, men are soon overwhelmed by a sense of inadequency.

As nerves hit crisis point, they bungle trying to prise open the top of plastic carrier bags – causing scanned items to clog up to the extent that the checkout person has to stop working. Meanwhile, women in the queue begin tutting, pointing and shaking their heads.

A man forces a brave smile after another humiliating checkout experience

Builder Chris Green, of Mildenhall, Suffolk, said: “I’m quite good at speeding around the supermarket selecting all the goods I need. But once I’ve filled my trolley and head for the checkout, my problems begin.

“Men are just not programmed to be efficient when it comes to packing the bags. We even struggle to open the things. Women seem to be able to pack the same type of goods together in the same bag – so a bag for cheeses, another for meat, a couple for veg, and even separate ones for toiletries.

“But us men end up cramming everything together just to try to speed up and avoid the glares of other waiting customers.

“My mates are the same – we end up with a bag that might have toothpaste, wine, a joint of beef, cream and crisps all together. I dare not even think about what happens to the eggs.

“And because we try to cram so much in each bag to speed up, they invariably split when we lift them back into trolley.”

A spokesman for leading supermarket Fresco said: “We are aware men are incompetent packers and get into a bit of a state about it. We have now trained our checkout staff to be patient with them – but we can only ask female customers to be patient.”

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Men welcome women-only train carriages


By Casey Jones
Railways Correspondent

Male commuters on the Greater Anglia mainline today welcomed Jeremy Corbyn’s plan for women-only carriages – so they don’t have to listen to them chatting away on their mobile phones.

Labour leadership candidate Mr Corbyn revealed his segregated carriage idea after a rise in sexual assaults on Britain’s train services.

But even though no men on the main London line from Norfolk and Suffolk would ever consider touching a woman – even their own wives – the women-only carriages will still be welcome.

Stephen Brittas, who commutes from his home in Stowmarket to London each day, said: “Every morning I have to listen to women nattering in loud voices on their mobile phones. Often it’s in a ridiculous high-pitched voice to their young children. One even blows kisses to her dog.

“Then after a long day at work, the whole thing repeats itself as they tell whomever is unfortunate enough to be on the other end all about their day.

“If Mr Corbyn gets his way, these women can all sit on the same carriage and talk over each other into their bloody phones. Vote for Jeremy Corbyn!”

But female commuters we spoke to said men were just as bad on their mobiles. Dawn Colridge, 19, from Colchester, said: “I’ve never been sexually assaulted on a Greater Anglia train, but I do get fed up with blokes sitting with their legs wide open, speaking on their phone and trying to look important.”

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Man Utd’s dream clash with Ipswich


Minnows Manchester United were ecstatic last night after being drawn in the cup against the famous Ipswich Town.

United fans roared in anticipation when their team were drawn to play at home against the former FA Cup, League and UEFA champions from Suffolk.

They can’t wait to see how their plucky Old Trafford team, led by up-and-coming players like Wayne Rooney, will get on against such illustrious opposition.

Fans in Manchester won’t care about the likely defeat to Mick McCarthy’s men, who are currently top of the Champonship and unbeaten in all competitions.

Darren Smith, 29, a United season ticket holder said: “The chance to play against Ipswich comes around so rarely.

“It will be fascinating to see how our boys can hold up against them.

“We won’t mind about the result – it will be a night to remember whatever happens on the pitch.”

Meanwhile the Tractor Boys were taking the Capital One Cup draw, made after they beat Doncaster 4-1 in the second round, in their stride.

“It’s a bit of a boring draw, isn’t it?” complained Ipswich supporter Mark Peters, 32, from Bury St Edmunds.

“We were rather hoping for a glamour tie like Carlisle away.”

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Donald Trump hair repaired by thatcher


United States presidential hopeful Donald Trump has hired a Suffolk thatcher to sort out his famous hair.

The American billionaire had been spotted in Suffolk twice in recent months, sparking rumours that he was planning to expand his luxury hotel empire to the region.

But the Suffolk Gazette can reveal he has in fact been in secret meetings with thatcher Derek Williams.


Trump, 69, is famous for his cringeworthy hairstyle, which features a bizarre back-to-front combover. He fears it could cost him crucial votes should he be nominated by the Republicans to run for the presidency.

And he has told pals that he wakes up in a sweat at night from a recurring nightmare in which he is waving to the press as he steps off his presidential helicopter outside the White House – and the rotor blades blow his hair clean off.

Ivanka Trump stares in disbelief at her father’s hair

While trying to find a solution, Trump’s aids learnt about the famous work of Suffolk thatchers who specialise in repairing the roofs of picture-postcard cottages.

They discovered that secret techniques used by the skilled craftsmen could be used on human hair to create a thicker look that was stronger in all weather conditions.

We understand that during one of his consultations in Suffolk with Mr Williams, Mr Trump was put in a specialist wind tunnel to see how his hair would withstand the worst of windy conditions.

The power was switched on to the “hurricane” setting to simulate how Mr Trump would have fared in the Great Storm of 1987 – and the hair stayed successfully in place.

Mr Williams is now believed to be receiving a £500,000 fee to repair Mr Trump’s hair in four special sittings at a secret location in London.

A friend of the thatcher said: “He is delighted. Some of the cottages he has to work with are tricky, but Trump’s hair is his most difficult project yet.

“He’s looking forward to all the money, and if successful this could open up a whole new line of work for him.”

Trump’s aids refused to comment on the hair claims. “There’s not a strand of truth in it,” one said.


Mr Williams normally works on cottage rooftops

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Farmers hurl vegetables in tractor rage attacks


By Rob Banks
Crime Editor

Country lanes have become a bloody battle ground with rival farm workers fighting each other in their rush to get the harvest in on time.

Police have been called to a worrying number of so-called “tractor rage” incidents, where farmers have been hurling vegetables as well as abuse with each other.

Problems escalate when tractors from rival farms meet head-on in a narrow lane – and both refuse to back down.

In one case this week in Ashbocking, near Ipswich, a farmer dispatched his slurry trailer and hosed down his neighbour’s workers because they refused to budge from the road.

Police were called to the slurry-spraying drama

The problem is magnified in August as farmers rush to harvest cereal crops like wheat and barley – just as other vegetables including onions, potatoes and even leeks also need collecting.

With only a small window of time to get it all done between rainy days, tempers fray quickly.

At Peasenhall, near Framlingham, two tractors from rival farms met head-on and the situation soon got out of hand.

One farmer had a trailer of potatoes, the other was full of onions. These became perfect “missiles” as the red-faced pair ducked and dived behind their trailors while launching vegetables at each other.

Police sped to that incident after a mum out for a walk complained a potato landed in her baby’s pram. Both tractor drivers were cautioned for public order offences.

Large leek

Elsewhere, in Ixworth another incident led to a farm worker being hospitalised after he was slapped around the head with a large leek.

One man was arrested and will appear before Bury St Edmunds magistrates on Monday, charged with assault and the possession of a dangerous vegetable.

A police spokesman told the Suffolk Gazette: “We appreciate getting the harvest in is always a stressful time of year for farmers.

“However, we would urge them to keep a lid on their tempers and be respectful to each other on country lanes.

“Throwing vegetables at each other is not the way for grown-up men to behave, and we will make more arrests if it continues.”

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Ducks evolved from Norfolk, scientists prove


It’s famous for mustard, turkey and North Sea crabs, but now scientists have discovered that Norfolk is where ducks first evolved.

A five-year study at the University of East Anglia revealed ducks’ webbed feet share almost identical DNA with the townsfolk of Cromer.

Now boffins have received funding to begin a further study to back up the findings.

Of particular interest is why women in Norfolk have unusually large amounts of body hair and a passion for swimming, while local men have long, thin beak-like noses and skinny legs.

The scientists expect to conclude that ducks and residents of Norfolk are indeed close relatives.

A local boy in Cromer shows classic signs of an affinity with ducks

Dr Terence Johnson, who led the UEA study, was excited about the findings. He told the Suffolk Gazette: “The webbed feet link between ducks and Norfolk people is perhaps the biggest leap in evolutionary theory in years.

“I’m sure your readers in Suffolk have laughed for years about Norfolk people having webbed feet, but now we have discovered a very good reason for it.

“We can show that evolution has taken many tens of thousands of years, with the common duck evolving from the same sub-human species. DNA specifically nails down a link to the Cromer area on the North Norfolk coast.”

The discovery may force Norwich City Football Club to rethink its famous Canaries nickname, instead putting a duck on the club badge.

But the study was rubbished by Cromer mayor George Mallard.

“It’s quackers,” he said.

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Kim Jong-Un backs Jeremy Corbyn


By The Editor

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un has become the first political leader to back Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour leadership campaign.

Speaking exclusively to the Suffolk Gazette from his secret holiday home, Mr Jong-Un, 32, told how he admired Mr Corbyn’s left-wing policies, particularly the bit about “nationalising everything”.

He said Mr Corbyn’s plan for equality had worked “very well, thank you” in his own country, and that Britain would benefit from the left-winger’s vision for a “marxist state”.

Our world exclusive interview was granted while Mr Jong-Un was enjoying a summer break at his caravan on the Suffolk coast near Sizewell, which was revealed by the Suffolk Gazette earlier this year.

His advisers were impressed at how we declined to disclose exactly where the caravan was, meaning the leader can continue to pop over to Britain for breaks without fear of being bothered by dog walkers or fellow holidaymakers.

After a whirlwind series of calls and emails to his team, Mr Jong-Un agreed to a five-minute audience on the decking outside his sparkling 38-foot Horizon Cavalier mobile home.

kim jong-un fishing
Kim Jong-Un enjoys fishing on the Suffolk coast

I traveled to the normal-looking holiday park and approached his caravan, which looked like any other on the site. As children played happily on the beach below, and people strolled along the coastal path outside his front window, Mr Jong-Un was enjoying that most British of traditions – drinking a cup of tea while reading a copy of the Daily Telegraph.

He welcomed me warmly, and insisted on showing off his caravan before we got down to business. He was proud of the three bedrooms and the fact that his caravan had running hot water and central heating – something, I declined to point out, that most of those in North Korea could only dream of.

“And look at the view,” he said, standing by the front window in the sitting area. “The North Sea. It is beautiful, isn’t it?

“I love it here in your Suffolk. The pace of life is much slower than back home, and I can unwind and take time off from being such a brilliant and inspiring leader.”

horizon cavalier caravan
Kim Jong-Un’s Suffolk caravan

Running his hand through his famous hair, Mr Jong-Un, wearing jeans, sandals and a ‘I love cycling’ t-shirt, led me outside to talk on the decking area, where his sunloungers still had the John Lewis labels on.

As we sat down, he confirmed we only had five minutes to chat, and that he only wanted to talk about one thing – Jeremy Corbyn.

“Since being in England this week I have grown to admire your Mr Corbyn. He has very similar politics and values to me: equality for all and putting everything under national control.

“I have not yet heard him talk about large weekly military parades in London, but I would recommend he does that because it scares the hell out of everyone else.

“His politics are better than the others running for the leadership. I saw that Andy Burnham on your television news service and he looks like a girl.

“And the other two candidates ARE girls… this should never be allowed in Government.”

Mr Jong-Un said his team were happy to offer friendship to Mr Corbyn, and looked forward to close diplomatic ties if he ever won office.

“I should like to buy him a caravan in North Korea so he could enjoy holidays in my country, just like I love coming here.

“But do not worry, we would make sure the caravan is situated well away from the prison camps.”

With that, Mr Jong-Un decided the interview was over as he was going to nearby Thorpeness to enjoy an afternoon boating on the Mere.

“I like going in the punt,” he said. “I’m pretty sure I heard someone shouting at me that I was a big punt, so I thought, ‘That’s the boat for me’.

With that, he was swept off in his unassuming 1997 Vauxhall Corsa. I shook hands with his advisers and left the coast reflecting on such a brilliant scoop.

The Suffolk Gazette is already in negotiations for a second interview where we go on a beer-tasting session with Mr Jong-Un at Suffolk country pubs.

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Anglers admit fishing is pointless


By Courtney Pike
Angling Correspondent

Suffolk fishing enthusiasts have finally admitted that their hobby is completely pointless.

After years of sitting about on damp riverbanks waiting for something to happen, they conceded that it rarely did.

And even when they actually managed to catch a fish, they had to put it straight back again.

“It’s slowly dawned on us that we’re wasting our time,” sighed angling fan Dave Barry, 44, from Badingham, near Framlingham. “We sit around on our own for hours at a time staring at a float in the water, waiting for a bite.

“And that’s about as exciting as it gets.”

Dave has been fishing at weekends since he was nine years old, spending a fortune on the latest equipment. But he now realises life has completely passed him by.

“I’ve got a whole new world to explore now,” he enthused. “But I might ease myself in gently by taking up golf.”

imageHook, line and stinker: not a lot happening

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