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Mick McCarthy insists he’s no muppet


By Colin Allcabs
Consumer Correspondent

Following news that Manchester United star Bastian Schweinsteiger may sue a toy manufacturer because their Nazi doll looks just like him, the Suffolk Gazette can reveal football manager Mick McCarthy has also called in the lawyers.

German international Schweinsteiger, 31, made the news today because his lawyers are looking at the Hong Kong maker of a WW2 Wehrmacht veteran toy, complete with a swastika-bearing eagle on his uniform, which bears an uncanny resemblance to the footballer.

The Nazi soldier at the centre of the scandal is even called Bastian

Bastian Schweinsteiger

Now we can reveal McCarthy is concerned his image rights have been violated – and people may think he is a muppet.

An Ipswich insider said: “Ipswich are going through a poor run of form at the moment, and Mick heard one or two cynical supporters in the crowd calling him a muppet. When he looked up the word on Google he saw an image of Sam Eagle and saw the similarity too.

“He will listen to his legal advice before deciding what to do next.”

McCarthy and Sam Eagle

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Huge fans keep Essex smells out of posh Suffolk resorts


Wind farm

A huge wind farm off the posh Suffolk coast is actually a series of massive fans designed to keep out bad smells from Essex, a whistleblower has revealed.

For years everyone assumed the Greater Gabbard, 14 miles off Suffolk, was generating “green” electricity through its 140 turbines.

But the Suffolk Gazette can reveal the white eyesores are actually special fans designed to keep the air fresh at upmarket seaside towns like Aldeburgh and Southwold.

For many years wealthy residents had turned their noses up at the terrible smells coming from down the coast in the common county known as Essex.

They had to ensure odours from greasy burgers, pizzas, kebabs, tanning solutions and cheap perfumes that plume out of lower-class towns like Clacton or Southend and drift up to Suffolk on the prevailing winds.

Now a whistleblower has decided to reveal the truth via the Suffolk Gazette because he has moved to Essex and quite likes it there.

He said: “About 20 years ago a secret group of wealthy Aldeburgh and Southwold residents, many of them second home owners from London, came up with this plan to keep the stifling Essex fumes away.

“They had enough of sitting on the beach at Aldeburgh trying to listen to open-air Benjamin Britten opera performances while the smell of stale Essex kebabs and chips hung in the air.

“And rich yachting types joined in as well, because the Essex smells were stronger out at sea.

“They all chipped in to build the Great Gabbard and fool everyone that the project was, in fact, just a wind farm. It was very expensive, but these sorts of people can afford it.

“The technology works well, and since completion in 2012 Aldeburgh in particular has been beautifully fragrant.

“But since moving to Essex I can reveal people there have been noticing the smells are worse ‘as if the wind ain’t getting rid of it’.

“People deserve to be told the truth.”

Jeremy Farquar-Smythe-Pisslethwaite, 62, a retired City banker who now lives close to the Aldeburgh seafront said: “We don’t really care what those common people in Essex think.

“We pay a premium to live in a nice part of the country and don’t see why we should breathe in their filth.”

Suffolk man had sex with 450 tractors


By Hugh Dunnett, Crime Correspondent

A Suffolk man with a bizarre sexual attraction to tractors has been banned from the countryside and forced to sign the sex offenders register.

Ralph Bishop, 53, was found by police with his trousers around his ankles “interfering” with a tractor parked in a field outside Saxmundham.

He was arrested on suspicion of outraging public decency and admitted to having had sex with around 450 tractors all over the Suffolk countryside.

When officers searched his terraced home they found a collection of more than 5,000 tractor images on his laptop.

The photos showed Bishop had a special desire for John Deere and Massey Ferguson tractors, particularly green ones.

Suffolk man had sex with 450 tractors
Object of desire

A police insider said: “We couldn’t believe it when we found him in the field. He was wearing a white t-shirt and Wellington boots and very little else. He was clearly in a state of high excitement at the rear of the machine.

“Thankfully nobody else was around, but the field is close to a village primary school so we had to arrest him and educate him about the error of his ways.

“He told us he was particularly ‘into’ axle grease and the presence of this around the back of tractors was all too much for him.”

Bishop, twice divorced, was released without charge on condition he sought psychological help. He was put on the sex offenders register.

“He is also banned from the countryside and is now forbidden to go within one mile of a farm,” the police insider added. “So he has to live and remain in the middle of Ipswich to comply with that.

“However, we are watching him because we are worried about the safety of several street-cleaning machines.”

Another source, WPC Lorraine Fisher, 34, added: “He’ll also need to keep away from the town’s gardens – if he takes a fancy to a lawnmower he might find he loses more than just his liberty.”

EDITOR’S NOTE: Three months later, things had not improved for Mr Bishop, who was caught out trying to get a job at an agriculture college, where he wanted to give the farm machinery a vigorous scrub down.

Ipswich midfielders are pain in the neck


Ipswich midfielders are being given muscle-strengthening exercises for their necks because they spend 90 minutes each game watching the ball sail over their heads.

Cole Skuse and Jonathan Douglas complained to boss Mick McCarthy that the floundering team’s long-ball style was giving them a sore neck.

He has now given the duo special exercises so they will be able to watch the balls fly over their heads from defence to attack in more comfort.

long ball tactics
Route 1: Long balls are a pain in the neck

A club insider said: “Arnold Muhren, one of the finest midfielders to ever pull on an Ipswich shirt, was famously dismayed when the ball kept flying over his head on his debut for the club.

“But Bobby Robson soon got the team playing brilliant football on the ground – with rather good results.

“However, this current Mick McCarthy Ipswich team is struggling to do that, and supporters are getting a little restless about seeing the ball hoofed in the air from one end of the pitch to another. The less-than-thrilling 0-0 draw at home to lowly Huddersfield summed up our recent fortunes.

“But those fans have no idea about the problem this long-ball habit is causing the midfield. Cole and Jonathan both have a cricked neck from staring skywards for so long.

“These exercises are adapted to strengthen their neck muscles accordingly.”

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Suffolk woman still watching X Factor


By Arthur Pint
Entertainment Editor

A seemingly normal Suffolk woman today admitted she still watched and enjoyed X Factor.

Trudy Hutchison claimed Simon Cowell’s long-running television show was as “brilliant” as ever.

“This series is gripping,” said Miss Hutchison, a legal executive from Ipswich. “I particularly love the Six Chair Challenge – it really is like playing musical chairs. Simon Cowell is a genius.”

Miss Hutchison’s family and friends are so concerned by her outspoken views that they put her in touch with medics, but checks showed she was in good health and had no psychological issues.

One doctor said: “This is a strange case. It is very rare to find anyone claiming they still enjoy X Factor. I think we need to do more tests.”

An ITV insider said: “We’d like to thank Trudy for her continued support. But obviously she is completely mad.”

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Harry Enfield: Women, Know Your Limits


In this classic BBC sketch, Harry Enfield exposes the problems that arise when women offer an opinion of their own. It’s just not the done thing, ladies!

Women, Know Your Limits!

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The art of being overtaken, constantly


Rumour has it this is the Editor of the Suffolk Gazette getting overtaken by just about every other cyclist on the road during a 100km cycling event. If it was him, he is now insisting he has got much slimmer and faster since then.

He is a liar.

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Tensions rise as Norfolk spies caught in pubs


By Doug Trench
Defence Editor

Tensions between Suffolk and Norfolk have taken a worrying turn for the worse after a number of spies were exposed and run out of Ipswich pubs.

A double agent informed his Suffolk handlers that Norfolk’s Peasant Army had trained spies to infiltrate “the enemy” and monitor gossip in boozers south of the county border.

But when they tried to carry out their spying missions, the Norfolk spooks stuck out like a sore thumb.

A Suffolk Freedom Force intelligence officer told us: “The spies all had the same modus operandi: they sat at the corner of a bar on their own pretending to read a copy of the East Anglian Daily Times.

“We sent a dispatch to all our operatives urging them to investigate the watering holes in Ipswich, and before long they had identified five Norfolk spies in various establishments, including The Greyhound in Ipswich.

“Each imposter was run out of the pubs and was lucky to escape with his life.”

The increase in undercover missions is causing a growing diplomatic crisis between the neighbouring East Anglian counties, with full-blown military confrontation, not seen since the days of the great 1840 Norfolk Dumpling Famine, a realistic possibility.

There has been a build up of forces on both sides of the border in recent months, with the Suffolk Freedom Force moving a battalion of men, including the fearsome 2nd Pitchfork Infantry, to stations near Hoxne.

Pitchforks being waved in anger at Hoxne

Intelligence reports suggest the Norfolk Peasant Army is also preparing for war, moving the 6th Wooden Club Grenadiers and the 14th Donkey Cavalry down from Wells-next-the-Sea in the north of the county to the Scole area, near the border with Suffolk – and only five miles from Hoxne.

A local farmer told the Suffolk Gazette: “There’s quite a build up, and I’m seeing military manoeuvres every day. Clearly they are preparing for the worst. I have cleared out my cellar to use as a shelter just in case.”

And Stradbroke hardware store owner, Jack Daniels said: “We’ve been inundated with orders for pitchforks. Clearly something is about to kick-off.”

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