Friday, September 20, 2024
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Doris from Melton is moving


If the Suffolk Gazette was a radio show, then Brian and Doris from Melton would be its star performers.

Those who remembered the hilarious phone-in from Brian to Town 102, talking about the Great Hurricane and how his mum Doris, aged 94, was the mystery person to phone the BBC to warn it was coming, will be pleased to know we’ve found two more ‘Brian from Melton’ phone-ins.

In the first, he tells radio Town 102’s Nick Pandolfi that he and his long-suffering mum are moving out of Melton because of the unwelcome attention they got from the original broadcast – including visits from the Sunday Mirror and calls from the Tricia Show on Channel 5 “which we can’t get in Melton because we’re still extraterrestrial here”.

Next, Brian rings in to Nick’s show trying to win a trip to Pleasurewood Hills for his mum, who has wanted to visit the theme park “near Loowestorft” for years.

Both are highly recommended listening, and we’ve added the original call, which started it all off, at the bottom, which featured the unfortunate loss of Doris’ tea towels and a torrid time for Biscuit the dog.


Pleasurewood Hills

The original ‘Great Storm’ call

The recordings were first broadcast back in 2013, and Nick has since left Town 102 (although he returned to guest broadcast a short while ago).

As a thank you for using his Doris from Melton material here, we’ll happily give his website a plug.

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Norfolk brothers posed as handsome businessmen


By Hugh Dunnett, Crime Correspondent

Two “inexperienced” Norfolk brothers have been arrested for posing as handsome, wealthy businessmen on several major online dating sites.

Billy Bob and Bubba Spuckler, who work on their father’s smallholding near Downham Market, hoped to trick pretty women into giving them a date and maybe some affection.

But when their well-heeled victims turned up for a romantic meeting, they were in for a terrible shock.

Web of deceit: the Spuckler brothers are nothing like their online profiles

Police were called by one attractive 25-year-old woman, a legal secretary from Diss, who was conned into meeting the Norfolk brothers at a roadside cafe on the A140.


She told stunned officers: “The older one claimed online to be a chief executive of a financial trading empire and the other was meant to be his marketing director. I first got suspicious when I arrived at the meeting and there was an old 1960s tractor in the car park.

“Then when I saw them both I could have died. They had rotten teeth, could hardly speak English properly, and smelt foul. They were basically ugly peasant boys, not wealthy businessmen.”

Police spoke to the pair at the family shack after receiving two other complaints. A Norfolk Police insider said: “The boys, aged 26 and 24, were spoken to by officers and told in no uncertain terms that fibbing on online dating profiles was wrong.

“They had committed no crime, so were not charged, but they have been forced to apologise to the women and delete their online dating accounts. They have also been advised to visit a dentist.

“Quite frankly we were surprised they knew what the internet was, let alone had the ability to write on it.”


Billy Bob and Bubba live on their smallholding with their father, Cletus and their 13 brothers and sisters. They specialise in growing turnips for the local Co-Op.

After initially threatening Suffolk Gazette reporters with a pitchfork, they admitted they had been arrested.

“We was only trying to get a little lovin,” Billy Bob, 24, said. “It gets real lonely here in rural Norfolk and we wanted to meet someone new.”

Bubba, 26, added: “Otherwise we’ll end up having to keep it in the family like everyone else around here.”

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1970s children’s TV responsible for crime wave


By Rob Banks
Crime Editor

Suffolk Police are investigating how children of the 1970s and 1980s were corrupted by the depraved activities on their favourite television shows.

Officers were aghast when they discovered how nudity, drug taking, violence and theft used to be rife on children’s TV in Britain – and they now believe those shows could be responsible for soaring crime today.

A force insider said: “When we found just how explicit television for youngsters was in those days, it became clear why so many grew up misbehaving.”

The officer, who asked not to be named, said prosecutions could be brought against the shows’ producers. He provided the Suffolk Gazette with a list of shows that were under investigation, and why:

Scooby Doo: Scooby and Shaggy were tripping hippies with permanent munchies

Snow White: Lived in a house with seven men

Captain Pugwash: Was known to Roger, the cabin boy

Tarzan: Paraded around in near nudity

Looney Tunes: Made light of mental illness

Batman: Drove around at excessive speeds of over 200mph

Popeye: Covered in tattoos and smoked a dodgy pipe

Man with tattoos who was fond of tobacco and pestered a woman called Olive

Cinderella: Stayed out until after midnight despite her family’s wishes

Aladdin: A thief

Pinocchio: Habitual teller of lies

Wacky Races: Promoted road rage

Magic Roundabout: Featured a drugged-up rabbit called Dylan

Fingerbobs: Featured a creepy man in grey gloves and jumper

Noddy: Young boy in inappropriate relationship with older man (Big Ears)

Black Beauty: Racist

Mr Benn: Featured a man who liked dressing up

And then the shopkeeper appeared: Mr Benn loved dressing up

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Suffolk gran munches to sprouts world record


sprouts world record

A Suffolk grandmother has entered the Guinness Book of Records for eating the highest number of sprouts in one hour.

Gladys Barraclough, 76, went through every child’s nightmare by munching through 2,437 of the green vegetables at an eye-watering rate of 40 every MINUTE.

She hopes her achievement might prompt curious children to try sprouts during their Christmas dinners this year – instead of hiding them under a potato.

But Gladys, of Knodishall near Leiston, admits her fascination with sprouts has an unfortunate side effect. “My husband Dennis gets annoyed because we have to open all the windows for a day. I love my sprouts but when you eat them you can get a little windy.

“When I completed by world record attempt, I was probably also close to smashing the breaking wind world record as well!”

Gladys, who used to work on a farm that grew sprouts, first realised she had a talent for eating large amounts when she was a teenager.

“I could get through whole bowlfulls. As I got older, I would cover my plate in them during Sunday lunch, and then I decided to set the world record, which previously stood at 1,956 sprouts eaten in an hour by a gentleman in Belgium.

“The man from Guinness World Records was present in Knodishall Village Hall to witness my challenge, and I now have a lovely certificate to prove it.”

Gladys says she is now determined to break the record again in time for next Christmas.

“I want to eat 3,000 sprouts in one hour,” she said.

Hubby Dennis admitted he was fed up with the smell, but joked: “At least we do not need a stair lift for Gladys – she just passes wind at the bottom of the stairs and is propelled up like a rocket.”

Pig Farm Simulator game goes bust


By Ivor Traktor, Farming Correspondent (intern)

The company behind the ill-advised Pig Farm Simulator 2015 computer game has gone bust owing hundreds of thousands of pounds to creditors.

Trotters Software Inc, based near Stowmarket in Suffolk, developed and launched the game despite warnings it had no market.

Gamers were expected to take on the role of a Suffolk pig farmer and breed pigs, raise piglets, muck them out and then kill them for sausages, bacon and a fat profit.

The software first went on sale in March for £39.50 but was quickly reduced to £10 when copies were hard to shift.

An iPhone app was also introduced, but even then sales failed to pick up, and the company folded owing a small fortune to investors and the tax man.

Flop of the chops: Pig Farm Simulator failed to sell

A gaming expert said: “Pig Farm Simulator was doomed from the start. Who wants to play a game where the whole plot centres around rearing animals and then killing them for food?

“Also, the execution of the graphics was terrible and it looked like something from the 1990s.”

Suffolk mum Natasha Crisp was furious when she bought the game for her daughter, Faye, 15. “I thought it would be fun and educational for her, but instead she spent hours in the game having to shift pig crap with a pressure washer and then butcher her beloved pigs for food. She was horrified.”

Nobody from Trotters Software Inc was available for comment. But a note on the door of their premises said: “Business closed. We made a pigs ear of it.”

At the time of the game’s high-profile launch, director John Smith said: “We have made the game as realistic as possible. Now anyone can experience the exciting life of a pig farmer.”

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World’s coldest woman lives in Ipswich


An Ipswich woman has triumphed for a record third year running in the World Feeling Cold Championships, held in Saudi Arabia.

Tracy Dell, a 43-year-old housewife and mother of four, managed to complain about feeling “absolutely frozen” 127 times during the 12-hour competition – even though temperatures were in the high 90s.

This was a new personal best for Mrs Dell, shattering her previous record of 98 complaints during last year’s event on Copacabana Beach in Rio De Janeiro. The world record was 130 complaints set by an Australian woman during the 1999 event in The Bahamas.

Tracy Dell wrapped up

Mrs Del beat 3,000 other woman to claim the title and the prize of an Arctic survival suit and free central heating oil for a year.


The Suffolk Gazette tried to contact Mr Dell last night to ask about his wife’s triumph, but he was unavailable for comment.

He is believed to be serving six months in prison for non-payment of the family’s last quarterly heating bill, which is believed to be in excess of £30,000.

* Disclaimer: This spoof is not, in any way, shape, or form, intended to lampoon the fairer sex and their infuriating propensity to constantly whine about feeling “frozen”, irrespective of the time of the year, ambient temperature, central heating setting, being on a collision course with the sun with only minutes to impact etc.

* To read more from this contributor, please visit Soz Satire.

Dragons Den with Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse


Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse present their hilarious version of Dragons Den, featuring a hapless pair pitching their business venture – a new month called Augcember.

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A140 driver jailed after hitting 35mph


By Hugh Dunnett, Crime Correspondent

A driver who posted photos of himself on Facebook reaching speeds of up to 35mph along the A140 has been jailed.

Justin Johnson filmed his speedometer reaching reckless speeds along the notoriously slow road, and at one point the needle was seen to hit 35mph.

Police said that sort of pace was more than double the speed achieved by most drivers who have to pootle along the busy A140 for miles on end.

One traffic cop told us: “It was crazy going that fast. We’ve never clocked anyone getting above 20mph on the A140 before. Mr Johnson would have got away with it, except he decided to film his recklessness and then brag about it on social media.

“His Facebook and Twitter posts included the photograph of his Audi speedometer touching 35mph – and that was all the evidence we needed to prosecute.”

speed limit 140
Dangerously fast: Johnson’s photo which landed him in jail
Soil scientist Johnson, 34, of Framlingham, was jailed for six months and lost his license for a year when he admitted dangerous driving at Ipswich Crown Court last week.

His wife, Helen told the Suffolk Gazette: “He was full of remorse. He uses the road up to Norfolk every day and never normally gets above 15mph because of all the lorries and farm machinery.

“He just got carried away and realises it was stupid to show off with the photograph. Justin will regret it for the rest of his life.”

Speed limit

Meanwhile, Suffolk County Council is investigating ways of speeding up journey times on the main road route between Suffolk and Norfolk.

They might finally approve plans to dual the whole stretch from Claydon, near Ipswich, right up to Norwich. But campaigners will be furious because councillors want the slow lane to become a ‘tractor lane’ – meaning cars will still only have one lane to use.