Sunday, March 9, 2025
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Relive THAT Bryan Gunn air kick, 20 years on


By Manik Bin Mann, Football Correspondent

The Suffolk Gazette today celebrates 20 years to the day since Norwich City goalkeeper Bryan Gunn made the biggest derby cock-up ever against Ipswich Town.

No one will ever forget his famous air kick from a tame back pass, which gifted Ipswich a late 2-1 victory against the cocky Canaries from Norfolk.

So why not join us by reliving the moment. If you hit refresh, you can watch over and over again. And again…

The Suffolk Gazette tried to contact Gunn for a comment, but he was too embarrassed to come to the phone.

The Queen enjoys secret hen night in Ipswich


By The Editor

Her Majesty the Queen secretly joined a hen party in Ipswich, visiting several town pubs and even experiencing the joys of a late-night kebab, the Suffolk Gazette can reveal.

She partied with excited revellers last Saturday night, dressing down to fit in with the rest of the group, and at one point wore joke Playboy bunny ears on her head.

Only the most eagle-eyed of drinkers may have noticed her security team following discreetly behind as the group moved from pub to pub.

the queenRoyal rave: Her Majesty enjoyed a lively night out in Ipswich
The Queen, who is 90 next week, was attending because the grand-daughter of her great friend, Lady Felsham, is getting married next week. Her Majesty is unable to attend the wedding owing to other Royal duties, so made the decision to join the hen night instead.

A close friend of the Felsham family told us: “The Queen is Emily Feslham’s godmother, and she so much wanted to join the wedding celebrations. She has a tremendous sense of mischief at times, and really liked the idea of going on a hen night. She’d never been on one before and was keen to see what they were all about.”

The Queen in Ipswich

The friend, who asked not to be named, said the hen party started at The Greyhound pub in Henley Road before moving towards town and stopping off at Wetherspoons’ The Cricketers pub. From there it staggered to the Robert Ransome and then the Irish pub, McGinty’s, which would have been diplomatically challenging just a few years ago.

More town centre bars followed, and Her Majesty enjoyed several glasses of sherry before tasting a pint of Adnams, the local beer, and a Rekorderlig fruit cider, which she found “immensely refreshing”.

ipswich-at-nightBright lights: The Queen was impressed with the vibrant Ipswich nightlife

But the mot surprising event came at the end of the evening, when she joined the nine other party-goers for a traditional late-night snack – a doner kebab.

“Nobody recognised her in the queue. You would not really expect the Queen to be having a kebab, after all. She had a small doner and asked for a dash of chilli sauce.

“The rest of the group was then due to go clubbing, but it was 11.30pm by this stage, and at her age the Queen had become quite tired, and probably quite emotional.

“She was taken away in a black Range Rover.”

A Buckingham Palace spokesman said: “We can confirm that Her Majesty was on a private engagement in Suffolk last Saturday.”

Did you see the Queen out and about in Ipswich last Saturday? Send us your photos to the usual address.

Foursome farmer gags Suffolk Gazette


By Sue Moore, Legal Correspondent

A wealthy farmer who had a sleazy foursome with a Miss Whiplash and two sheep has won an injunction against The Suffolk Gazette to stop us revealing his name.

We have also been forced to black-out the faces of the farmer and one of the sheep in our exclusive picture.

The adulterous farmer was named in court only as BJS, the dominatrix as SNM and the sheep as BAA1 and BAA2.

The four met regularly for sordid encounters in a field near Needham Market, where squeals and bleating were heard by residents.

But when SNM brought incriminating photos and racy text messages to The Suffolk Gazette, BJS went to the Appeal Court in London where Lord Justice Whyff-O’Skandall made an interim injunction to block publication in England and Wales.

farmer-Foursome Gagged: The Suffolk Gazette is forced to hide the identity of farmer and sheep

The farmer, from rural Norfolk, crossed the county border to meet SNM, who lives in Stowmarket, after seeing pictures of her swishing a whip while wearing a black leather mankini on an internet bondage site.

The dominatrix asked BJS if he wanted any special services and he said: “Yes, two sheep.”

The four went for a drink at Wetherspoons, then headed for the field where the acts took place. They carried on their illicit relationships for about a year, then SNM decided to whip and tell. A lawyer for BJS said the story would invade the farmer’s privates and affect his wife and two children.

The Suffolk Gazette is trying to overturn the farmer injunction after the mystery couple and the sheep were named and photographed in agriculture magazines in the USA and Scotland, where the legal restrictions do not apply.

Rumours of his identity have also been swirling around Twitter and other social networking sites like Farming Weekly Forum.

“We will not be gagged,” said a spokesman for the Suffolk Gazette. “This story is in the pubic interest.”

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Kids microchipped to tackle anti-social behaviour


By Hugh Dunnett, Crime Correspondent

All Ipswich children aged under 16 are to be microchipped in a controversial test to cut anti-social behaviour, it has emerged.

A week after the microchipping of all dogs became law, ministers are keen to see if the same cheap technology can be used to track and identify troublemaking youngsters.

Ipswich was chosen because of the large number of feral pre-teens and adolescents roaming the town centre and estates.

Now each of the town’s children will need to be microchipped by August 1 or parents will face a £200 fine.

The chips are quick and safe to inject beneath the skin on the upper arm. They will be similar to those used on dogs, but will also include a GPS sensor to allow police and local authorities to track the movement of every child wherever they go.

Police say this means they can easily identify suspects whenever there are disturbances, crimes or unsociable behaviour that has blighted parts of the town.


microchipA child microchip is only the size of a grain of rice


If the 12-month trial is successful, the Government hopes to introduce it nationwide, and could even insist on all adults being microchipped as well.

But some parents are furious about the test. Mum-of-seven Chevaunna Miller, 27, from Gainsborough, said: “I’m the first to admit my little darlings aren’t the best behaved, but these microwave chips seem way over the top. Where is my kids’ right to privacy? And what if the chips go wrong? It is like Big Brother, but not the reality TV show.”

However, local councillors insist most parents will be all for the experiment. “At the end of the day, it is only those that have something to hide who will be against this.

“We expect it to slash antisocial behaviour and crime overnight. It’s safe and cheap, and does not hurt – certainly dogs don’t seem to mind.”

Parents in Ipswich will start receiving letters from the police next week, specifying where they need to take their children to be microchipped.

Don’t be a mug – buy one of these

Work starts on Norfolk-Suffolk border wall to keep out migrants


By Doug Trench, Defence Editor

Work has finally begun on building a high-security 12-foot wall along the north Suffolk border to keep out Norfolk migrants.

The multi-million-pound project started at Brandon, close to the railway line which marks the border with Suffolk to the south, and Weeting and the rest of Norfolk to the north.

This spot was chosen because the railway crossing, seen in our exclusive photo, will become Checkpoint Barley – the so-called “neutral zone” where Norfolk bumpkins will be allowed into Suffolk, so long as they have the correct papers.

Suffolk authorities had tried to keep the initial building work a secret to prevent unrest north of the border – but one eagle-eyed Suffolk Gazette reader managed to take these pictures and smuggle them to our offices.

suffolk-norfolk-wallKeep out! The wall starts to go up at Brandon, and will stretch across the entire border with Norfolk
The Norfolk Suffolk border wall is actually wooden in structure but will have steel plates screwed along the whole length, with razor wire added to the top for good measure.

Our photo shows work on the wooden skeleton is well underway, while one sheet of metal is also in place. A worker has left a ladder where he intends to test out the first razor wire.

Norfolk Suffolk border wall

Checkpoint Barley is just down the road and will be heavily guarded once the wall is complete along the whole 80-mile border, which is expected to be in three years.

As previously reported in the Suffolk Gazette, thousands of Norfolk peasants have been trying to move south into Suffolk to escape their hovels, putting incredible pressure on Suffolk resources, and raising fears of inbreeding.

New Suffolk county leader Ronald Trump was elected last year after promising to build the wall, and has now started the work sooner than expected.

A spokesman for his office said: “We can confirm work on the county border wall has started. Soon no-one from Norfolk will get into Suffolk unless we approve it first.

“Of course, people from Suffolk will be free to cross into Norfolk as often as they wish. Perhaps to enjoy a break on the Norfolk Broads, or maybe just to laugh at the weird-looking people there.”

Another photo of the ongoing work shows one of the wall security team busy on his walkie-talkie taking instructions from top brass about suspicious Norfolk people seen nearby.

Norfolk Suffolk borderWatchful: A vigilant security guard stays in communication with HQ
Once the wall’s success is proven, Mr Trump wants to work on a similar border wall with Essex to prevent an influx of chavs into Suffolk. It is not thought a wall is needed on the Cambridgeshire border because nobody lives there.

Use your Noodle when potting up

lady garden

When you’ve been all-out deadheading the daffs, putting your tea bags on the compost, and playing with your dibber, there’s nothing like a hearty meal to perk you up.

I like to get my teeth into a large Bombay Bad Boy Pot Noodle, washed down with a mini-keg of Adnams Ghost Ship.


If you feel naughty eating what they call “junk food”, here’s a little potting tip to assuage your guilt.

Simply rinse out the noodle tub and poke some holes in the bottom with a kebab skewer or your Black and Decker drill.

Drop a few pebbles in the pot to aid drainage, and top with a few handfuls of compost. Pop in a few lettuce seeds (I used the variety Lactuca Gwynethum-Paltrowensis) and put the pot on a sunny windowsill.

potting-pot-noodleLettuce pray: God’s gift of homemade salad

Soon you will have a robust round lettuce like mine above which you can give to someone in the family who actually likes salad, or just pass it on to someone you don’t like.

Readers often ask me which compost I use In My Lady Garden. I like the one made by that chap from the old TV series Are You Being Served?, who had the catchphrase “I’m Free!”.

I think you will also like his John Inman’s Compost as it is works exceptionally well in getting little specimens to rise.

john-inmanJohn Inman’s compost measures up

In my vegetable plot the Black Tuscan Kale is still going strong, as yours probably is. But don’t worry. We can soon deal with that.

Trim off the insect-holed outer leaves down to the rib with your secateurs.

Throw them on the compost heap. The leaves that is, not the secateurs.

Then take all the inner leaves and throw them on the heap, too. That gets rid of the lot in one fell swoop.

Or you could sell the whole plant to a passing hipster for £19.50. They like to shove them in their NutriBullets with that garish green algae, Spirulina, to make a sludgy smoothie to dribble down their beards.

It tastes like shite, of course, but helps them to glow in the dark when they are all la-la weird-dancing out of their heads at music and poetry festivals.


With the weather changing from day-to-day, don’t forget to protect your fruit blossoms. There’s nothing worse than getting frostbite on your plums. Just pull an old jumper over them and hope for the best.

Don’t be tempted to put your tender plants out yet. I will tell you when it’s safe for us to get down to a nice spot of bedding together.

I have trimmed back my Brucius Forsythia which has been looking rather feeble of late and hope I will get another lease of life out of it.

Now for the answers to your many questions.

* Mr S Y from Cratfield: I really do think you’ll be wasting your money on that trendy hammock if you don’t have two trees.

* Mrs S B from Combs: That mossy mound of yours definitely needs some attention. I would give it a good dressing of Veet or Immac.

* Mr C K from Stowupland: Yes, I must say, your rear entrance does look rather bare. Have you tried putting a cactus in it?

Have a good week!


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Sir Bradley Wiggins to ride the Grand National


By Bernie Legg, Cycling Correspondent

Sir Bradley Wiggins is to ride in this weekend’s Grand National after being inspired by fellow cyclist Victoria Pendleton’s switch to horse racing, we can reveal.

The former Tour de France winner and Olympic gold medalist has been secretly training on the gallops at Newmarket in Suffolk, and will mount the outsider Strava Sensation for the big race at Aintree.


Although he has little chance of completing the grueling course, let alone winning
it, Wiggins, 35, is now the housewives’ favourite and is being heavily backed at the bookies.

Pendleton, also 35, made the headlines when she rode at the recent Cheltenham Festival, proving that the key cycling skills of staying upright and going fast for a long time can be used just as well on a horse.

sir-bradley-wigginsHere Wiggo: Sir Bradley to race in the Grand National

A pal of Wiggins told the Suffolk Gazette: “He knows he is coming to the end of his brilliant cycling career, and he sees horse racing as the next step.

“He has been training hard back in Suffolk for nearly three weeks, and when Strava Sensation was entered by Sheikh Yourbooty’s yard he was offered the ride.

“Sir Bradley can handle the pressure as he knows all about crossing the finishing line first – but he is not too used to jumps, and there are one or two of those around the Grand National course.”

Strava Sensation is 800/1 to win the National, behind firm favourite Many Clouds, which won the race last year.

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Oven glove invented for Norfolk cooks


By Colin Allcabs, Consumer Correspondent

A super-safe oven glove, made with the same fibres as firefighters’ uniforms, has been invented especially for home cooks and professional chefs in Norfolk.

The £9.99 oven gloves are soft and machine-washable and have six-fingers.

They have been tested up to 350c and are ideal for taking ready meals from the microwave or hedgehog terrine straight from the oven.

oven gloveThis image has not been digit-enhanced

“There was big demand for six-fingered gloves from Norfolk, particularly in the rural areas but we didn’t have the technology before,” said Ivor Patent, chief designer for Chefwanque.

“The six-fingered oven glove, named The Carrow, can be worn on any hand and can also be used to put logs on the fire. The technology means they are also suitable for handling frozen items and can be worn on either foot when ferret catching in icy conditions,” said Mr Patent.

It is believed Norwich City Football Club have put in an order for the protective gloves for their goalkeeping squad.

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