Thursday, March 6, 2025

Giant mole terrorising Suffolk countryside

Giant mole spotted in Suffolk
Giant mole spotted in Suffolk

By Hugh Dunnett, Crime Correspondent

Police are warning people to stay indoors after reports of a giant mole terrorising villagers at Yoxford.

Claims that a six-foot-long mole had been spotted close to the King’s Head were initially put down to over-the-top taking of refreshment.

But now giant molehills have sprung up in the field and meadows nearby, and experts confirmed it was a rare Giant Guaca Mole – normally found in Wales.

Yoxford Parish Council called in professional mole catcher Bubba Spuckler, from Norfolk, who is usually adept at garden care using Amazon products.

But while investigating a huge mole burrow off Middleton Road, he received a nasty nip.

He now only has one arm.

Parish council chairperson Jackie Weaver told members that police should be aware of the giant mole.

“We’re told they are harmless but now Bubba is armless,” she said.

Police spokesperson Sergeant Lorraine Fisher, 34, said: “We have contacted the Ministry of Defence and they are sending their expert pest control people.

“They promise to catch the mole without harming it and plan to take it to Colchester Zoo, where it can spend the rest of its days making giant molehills in the elephant enclosure.

“Timing is critical because we don’t want the Guaca Mole mating, otherwise east Suffolk would soon be overrun.”

Residents in Yoxford are concerned the mole could burrow under their houses, which could then collapse into the tunnels.

Local potato farmer Maurice Piper said: “This mole is a real nuisance. If only it could see, it would realise what a mess it is making.”

The Giant Guaca Mole is a close relative of the Wac-A-Mole.

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