Saturday, February 22, 2025

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Ducks evolved from Norfolk, scientists prove

It’s famous for mustard, turkey and North Sea crabs, but now scientists have discovered that Norfolk is where ducks first evolved.

A five-year study at the University of East Anglia revealed ducks’ webbed feet share almost identical DNA with the townsfolk of Cromer.

Now boffins have received funding to begin a further study to back up the findings.

Of particular interest is why women in Norfolk have unusually large amounts of body hair and a passion for swimming, while local men have long, thin beak-like noses and skinny legs.

The scientists expect to conclude that ducks and residents of Norfolk are indeed close relatives.

A local boy in Cromer shows classic signs of an affinity with ducks

Dr Terence Johnson, who led the UEA study, was excited about the findings. He told the Suffolk Gazette: “The webbed feet link between ducks and Norfolk people is perhaps the biggest leap in evolutionary theory in years.

“I’m sure your readers in Suffolk have laughed for years about Norfolk people having webbed feet, but now we have discovered a very good reason for it.

“We can show that evolution has taken many tens of thousands of years, with the common duck evolving from the same sub-human species. DNA specifically nails down a link to the Cromer area on the North Norfolk coast.”

The discovery may force Norwich City Football Club to rethink its famous Canaries nickname, instead putting a duck on the club badge.

But the study was rubbished by Cromer mayor George Mallard.

“It’s quackers,” he said.

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