Friday, January 24, 2025

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Disabled parents turned away from Felsham baby shop

Disabled parents turned away from Felsham baby shop
Disabled parents turned away from Felsham baby shop

Disabled people are so lazy, don’t you think? Well no, of course not, but the owners of ‘Felsham Prams and Baby’ in Suffolk clearly do, if their unwelcoming signage is anything to go by.

A sign perched on top of its clearly inaccessible accessibility lift reads “NOTICE. To use the diabled lift, (sounds like the person who wrote it was disabled) please come upstairs to the buffet & notify a member of staff so that we can turn the power on. Thank you.”

Jesus. It might as well have read “NOTICE. If you’re disabled, fuck off.”

You can just picture the owners discussing it upstairs in the office…

“So look guys, if we leave the spaz lift on all the time it will cost us a fortune in electricity. I mean how many rasperries do we get in here in a year anyway? Can they even have children? I mean come on! FFS! People who use wheelchairs still have arms don’t they? Can’t they just drag themselves up the stairs and shop crawling around on the floor? They must be used to it by now!”

“Agreed. And why do they even need a pram… they’re on wheels already… I know!”


“Send them up to the buffet. If they make it that far, when they ask for the lift to be turned on, we can pretend we couldn’t understand what they were saying because we thought their mouths were full of food. Duh-duh-duh-duh.”

“Lol. Yes! Well done, Fred. That’ll work! Right, go and turn the electricity off… and put a sign up.”


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