Thursday, March 6, 2025

Surprise as woman flying about on killer dragon turns out to be slightly unhinged

Killer Queen (Photo: HBO)

A cute blonde-haired woman who flies around on a murderous dragon might be a little unhinged after all, it has emerged.

Daenerys Targaryen went on the rampage on Sunday night, killing tens of thousands of innocent people who had been trying to surrender.

Viewers of Game of Thrones, one of the eight most popular cable TV shows of the last decade, had been clinging on to the belief that the pretty young Mother of Dragons was a fine and noble Queen.

But scenes of her whipping her dragon into a fire-raising frenzy, turning King’s Landing and its subjects to ashes, have left some questioning her good intentions.

Fan Lorraine Fisher, 34, said: “I’ll have to watch it again to be certain, but I’m beginning to think Daenerys is not quite as sweet as she first seemed.

“It turns out zipping about on a fire-breathing dragon can lead to some rather odd behaviour.”

But another viewer, Steve Walsh, added: “Look, she’s a cracker and has great t*ts. We can forgive the odd bit of passive-aggressive behaviour.”

Game of Thrones finishes after eight seasons this coming weekend. “Maybe Daenerys will have cheered up by then, and we can forget the King’s Landing massacre ever happened,” pondered Ms Fisher.

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