Thursday, March 6, 2025

Crippled Tower Bridge stunt farmer had the tractor factor

Crippled Tower Bridge stunt farmer had the tractor factor
Crippled Tower Bridge stunt farmer had the tractor factor

TOWER HILL, LONDON – Suffolk farmer, Albert Hunter found himself on the front pages following a motorized stunt that would have made Evel Knievel shudder.

By Farming Correspondent (intern): Ivor Traktor

Driving his trusty tractor over the iconic Tower Bridge in London on his way to a farm show in Battersea Park, Farmer Albert’s journey took an unexpected turn when the bridge beneath him began to shift. Due to a technical hitch, the famous bridge unexpectedly parted ways, confronting him with a life-or-death decision.

Rogue Sheep

Frantically scanning his surroundings, Albert’s instincts kicked in. With no time for second-guessing, he made the split-second decision to channel his inner daredevil. Just as he had done countless times before in pursuit of rogue sheep on his farm, Albert slammed on the accelerator and executed a daring leap across the ever-widening gap, defying the laws of agricultural physics.

Landing on the opposite side of the bridge with a thump, the tractor emerged unscathed from the airborne escapade to screams of fright and delight from stunned onlookers.

Poor Albert

Poor Albert however, bore the brunt of his bold decision. In the process of achieving this miraculous feat, the unfortunate farmer sustained a broken neck that consigned him to a wheelchair – for life.

70 years later, Albert’s airborne antics are a footnote in the story of London’s iconic Tower Bridge, but his incredible story lives on in the annals of rural daredevilry.

Meanwhile: Sheep farts captured to halt global warming

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