Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Chas Hodges obituary Haiku

Chas and Dave obituary

Cockney duo Chas and Dave were firm favourites for more than 40 years. Their cheeky brand of music entertained millions. Chas Hodges passed away yesterday, aged 74. Here, the Suffolk Gazette’s resident obituary Haiku writer, Richard Standen, offers his unique tribute.

Cockney Chas, brown bread
Dave, me ol’ china, Jack Jones.
Aunt Joanna fades.

I expect some of our Norfolk readers may not understand Cockney rhyming slang, seeing as normal English presents issues for them. So, Richard has kindly offered a second version, just for them.

Cockney Chas, is dead
Dave, his old mate, all alone.
The piano fades.

Chas Hodges
Born: 28 December, 1943, Edmonton, Middlesex
Died: 22 September, 2018, London


No fitting tribute would be complete without listening to the below.

It’s been a busy week for obituary Haiku writer Richard Standen, who has already penned tributes to Ipswich Town legend Kevin Beattie and TV presenter Denis Norden.

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