A140 driver jailed after hitting 35mph
Hideous Norfolk Halloween mask banned
Man drowned in a bath full of baked beans
Tree gets stuck up cat
Huge fans keep Essex smells out of posh Suffolk resorts
Suffolk man had sex with 450 tractors
Suffolk woman still watching X Factor
Tensions rise as Norfolk spies caught in pubs
GPS was first invented in Suffolk
Essex woman fury over ‘tight’ scarf
Mature woman is sexual predator
Suffolk police Apache helicopter is back
Woman shunned after finishing Christmas shopping
Man-eating shark seen in Suffolk river
Country bumpkin Corbyn to tour ‘Downton’ Suffolk
Flash sports car driver has small penis
Sutton Hoo Carnival to kick off in 2016
Delia Smith is Kate Bush shocker
David ‘four homes’ Cameron says no room for refugees
Men crumble under supermarket checkout pressure
Men welcome women-only train carriages