Thursday, March 6, 2025

Supermarkets packed as shoppers fear Bank Holiday food shortage

Supermarkets were packed out today amid fears families may not have enough food to last through the Bank Holiday weekend. Housewives went into a panic over whether they had sufficient grub to last until Tuesday – so they spent hundreds of pounds in Tesco and Aldi today just in case. Mum-of-three Karen Wyles, from Eye, Suffolk said: “No one really wants to nip to the shops on Bank Holiday monday, so we’re taking no chances and buying everything in sight today.” That means 15 bags packed full of every foodstuff imaginable, most of which would remain uneaten and be thrown away. Retail analyst Jordan Spencer said: “People are behaving like the shops will be closed for weeks. They are buying stuff they don’t even like to eat. “And many are snapping up huge quantities of meat for barbecues that will never happen because it always pisses down with rain on a Bank Holiday.” Like the Suffolk Gazette on Facebook now!

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