Thursday, March 6, 2025

Anusol to sponsor the A140 because it’s a pain in the backside

Anusol A140

The A140 in Suffolk is to be rebranded as the Anusol A140 – because the road is a pain in the arse.

The haemorrhoids cream and suppository company acted after cash-strapped Suffolk County Council offered businesses the chance to sponsor the region’s major roads.

In a clever piece of marketing, Anusol executives realised their soothing product was a perfect fit for the A140, a road which is as irritating and painful as piles.

Other routes in Suffolk are also being offered to businesses as the county council seeks to raise £2 million in additional funding. Offers already on the table include:

Waitrose – A1094 into Aldeburgh
Lidl – B1069 into Leiston
Jockey Underwear – A1304 into Newmarket
John Deere tractors – the A12

An Anusol executive said: “Haemorrhoids is not a particularly sexy subject, so our marketing opportunities are limited.

“However, the A140 is such a pain in the backside that it was the perfect fit for us.”

The company is believed to have offered £250,000 to have their name on the road, including logos on road signs along the route.

As a first step, Anusol has been allowed to sponsor a roundabout sign featuring the A140, with Norwich being left, and Ipswich right (Ipswich is always right).

The A140 is notorious for being frustratingly slow all the way between Ipswich and Norwich. Recently a driver was pulled over by police for reaching the dizzying speed of 35mph.

And huge tailbacks of tractors built up on the A140 when the border was closed to keep Norfolk oiks out of Suffolk – a time when the two counties were dangerously close to conflict.

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