Thursday, March 6, 2025

Gardener at Britain’s biggest maze goes missing

lost in maze

By Hugh Dunnett, Crime Correspondent

A gardener working on Britain’s biggest maze has not been seen for three days, and is now presumed lost.

Dave Jenkinson, 54, set out to trim bushes at the Little Brimmer Hall maze on Sunday morning but no-one has seen him since.

Police fear he will be exhausted from trying to find his way out of the ten miles of frustrating dead ends and may have collapsed.

They have now sent in tracker dogs to help them find Mr Jenkinson after the police helicopter failed to spot him.

Readers jealous of Mr Jenkinson hedge trimmer can buy their own gardening products on Amazon.

A spokesman for the huge country home, which attracts thousands of visitors a year, said: “We are proud that we have the biggest maze in the country.

“But it does come at a price because people can get lost. Normally they are found within a day or so, but even those like Mr Jenkinson who know the maze well can get confused and disoriented.”

Mr Jenkinson has been employed by the Little Brimmer Hall estate for 26 years. His daughter, Lorraine Fisher, 34, said: “Poor dad will be awfully embarrassed about this. He hates a fuss and would probably much rather find his own way out.”

The maze is expecting to open to the public after lockdown soon, and visitors are being asked to keep an eye out for Mr Jenkinson, who is described as five feet ten inches tall, of medium build, with fair hair and a hedge trimmer.

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