Thursday, March 6, 2025

Road users confused by polite Audi courtesy car

Audi courtesy car

Road users were thrown into confusion yesterday when an Audi let another car out into slow-moving traffic.

But the extraordinary gesture was soon explained after it emerged the vehicle was, in fact, an Audi courtesy car on loan to a polite driver.

All motorists know that Audi owners are programmed to be aggressive and to assume they own the road.


However, it takes most of them at least a week to acclimatise to being pushy after they get behind one of the German-engineered cars for the first time.

This week shop manager Charlotte Brewer, 28, from Bury St Edmunds, was loaned an Audi courtesy car when her own VW Golf was in the workshop for repairs.

And when she was heading slowly through rush-hour traffic into town yesterday, she thought nothing of waving through a Vauxhall that was waiting patiently to exit a side road.


The Vauxhall driver, factory worker Bill Smart, 47, said: “I couldn’t believe an Audi let me in. I assumed it was some sort of mistake, but then when we pulled up side-by-side at traffic lights, the lady driver smiled sweetly, rolled down her window and told me it was a courtesy car.”

A spokesman for Audi said: “We have a hard-earned reputation to keep, and will be looking to ensure none of our vehicles are ever used as courtesy cars again.

“An Audi courtesy car is an oxymoron.”

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