Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Suffolk Gazette guide to avoiding supermarket vegetable crisis

Vegetable crisis

Are you distraught at the prospect of no lettuces or courgettes because of the dodgy Spanish weather?

We at the Suffolk Gazette DON’T like to think of our regular readers having to go without while shops ration healthy foods or display empty shelves.


So we have brought in nutritionist Dr Sally Q Cumber to give you tips for this week’s shopping, bringing tasty alternatives to your usual veg.

– If you can’t get an iceberg lettuce, just go for an ice lolly. Both items are full of water and will do you no harm.

– Crunchy tangy radishes? If you can’t get these lovely crisps treats, just buy a bag of Twiglets.

Swap radishes for Twiglets to avoid vegetable crisisSwap your tangy radishes for Twiglets

– No plain old crunchy lettuce for you to sprinkle a little salt on? Swap for a bag of plain salted crisps. Just as crunchy as the lettuce and probably even more fun for the kids.

– No slurpy tasty tomatoes at your supermarket? Go for a Mars bar at room temperature and you will find it quite a pleasant alternative.


– Missing chunks of bright orange butternut squash or carrots? Enjoy cheesy Wotsits which are the same colouring with almost as much goodness.

– For potato wedges, try Doritos crisps dunked in mayonnaise.

– And if strawberries are in short supply, try Haribo which are most realistic.

We hope you found these brilliant tips useful when you get to the supermarket later.

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