Thursday, March 6, 2025

Britain’s homeless saddened by courgette shortage

Britain’s homeless were saddened today by news that a courgette crisis is sweeping the country.

Poor weather has affected the harvest of the tasty green veg across Southern Europe – and experts warn aubergines could be hit next.


The awful news spread across social media this morning, and now the country’s homeless have joined the discussion.

Warren Smith, 36, a homeless man in Suffolk, said: “This really is awful. The idea that some middle-class family can not get hold of courgettes is heartbreaking.”

Speaking from his freezing shop doorway while being forced to beg for change to buy something to eat, he added: “I dare not even think what it would be like for Waitrose shoppers if aubergines are next.”

Courgette shortagePricey: UK shoppers aghast at courgette supply horror


Retail experts said the price of courgettes had quadrupled, making life particularly hard for middle-class shoppers across Britain.

One man, Jordan Williams, 27, said: “I like to eat healthily between visits to the gym and barbers, and don’t know how I will cope without courgettes.”

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