Thursday, March 6, 2025

Police enforce quarantine period for anyone arriving from Norfolk

Norfolk Police pitchforks
Suffolk Police now monitoring the Norfolk border

By Hugh Dunnett, Crime Correspondent

Suffolk authorities have slapped a two-week quarantine period on anyone arriving from Norfolk.

The tough police-enforced measures will prevent disease from the rural backwater of Norfolk spreading to the modern, clean and healthy county of Suffolk.

Restrictions are mainly in place for Norfolk people desperately trying to flee to Suffolk, but also for Suffolk people who accidentally strayed over the border.

There are also checks on people coming into Suffolk from Essex, but they are healthier and, in most cases, can continue their journeys.

Director of Suffolk Public Health, Dr Lorraine Fisher, 34, explained: “We have worked hard to contain the COVID-19 situation in Suffolk.

“We simply cannot put that at risk by allowing people travelling from Norfolk to spread their germs all over the place.”

The Suffolk border wall is now being used as a screening centre, and further watchtowers have been placed in strategic places across the length of the border.

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