Thursday, March 6, 2025

6 things you need to stop doing on Instagram

While Instagram is one of the easiest social media platforms to use, there are still a few things that you could be doing wrong. Creating an ideal atmosphere for your page can be quite difficult, but we are here to help. If you want to make sure that your profile is up to scratch, then here are six things that you need to stop doing on Instagram.

1. Posting blurry or low-quality photos

This is one of the quickest ways to turn people off your page. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with high-quality images, there is no excuse for posting anything less than perfect. If you want people to take your page seriously, then make sure that all of your photos are clear and in focus.


Low-Quality can have two meanings on Instagram. The first is the resolution of the image, and the second is simply how good the photo looks. If a photo is low in terms of quality, then it will be less likely to perform well. This is why it’s essential to make sure that all of your photos are high quality.

If your images aren’t relevant to your page, this is considered to be low-quality as well. People will scroll right past if they don’t understand what your photo is trying to achieve and it is unrelated to them.

If you’re just starting out and are unable to take high-quality photos, that’s okay. There are always other options like using free stock photos or using apps to make your photos look better. But if you have been on Instagram for a while and are still posting blurry images, then it’s time to step up your game.

2. Posting too many images at once

This is a sure-fire way to fill up people’s timelines and turn them off your page. If you want people to actually look at the images that you are posting, then make sure that you space them out. Posting multiple images at once will just mean that people scroll right past them without giving them a second glance and can be a real gamble for your business.

If you think your followers won’t notice, you’re wrong. They will see that you’ve posted multiple images, and they will be less likely to engage with any of them. This can damage your relationship with your followers, and it’s simply not worth it.

Of course, being consistent with your posting is what really counts. If you are uploading 100 images in 2 days, followed by a period of no content, the followers you’ve gained will get confused and may even become annoyed. However, if you regularly post 30 images a day, although this is still a lot of images to be posted, your followers will become used to it and won’t think anything of it.

3. Posting screenshots or images from other social media platforms

This is a big no-no. Not only does it look unprofessional, but it also shows that you are not putting in the effort to create original content. If you want people to take your page seriously, then make sure that all of your photos are original and exclusive to Instagram.

Posting screenshots of other social media platforms is considered unprofessional for a couple of reasons. The first is, as we said before, that it shows that you’re not putting in the effort to create original content. Secondly, it makes your page look untidy and can be pretty off-putting for potential new followers.

If you don’t provide something unique and new, your followers are better off following the original source. This is because they will get the content that they want in one place, and usually, the social proof goes to the original source, making you the loser.

If you buy services that help to grow your following, the results of posting screenshots or unoriginal content will be the loss of your investment. Being original pays off and that doesn’t mean you can’t share content you love.

If you intend on crediting the original source, make sure that you do it in a way that doesn’t take away from your own page. For example, you could post a screenshot of an Instagram story with a caption that reads something like “LOVE this story from @ example!”

4. Reposting the same content

This is a sure-fire way to lose followers. If you want people to stick around, then make sure that you are constantly posting new and original content. Reposting the same thing over and over again will just bore people, and it shows that you are not making an effort to keep your page fresh.

When we say “reposting the same content,” we don’t just mean posting the exact same photo. We also mean posting very similar photos or videos, with only slight changes. If you’re constantly posting things that look exactly the same, your followers will quickly get bored.

It’s essential to keep your content fresh because if you don’t, your followers will quickly get bored, and they will be less likely to engage with your page. This can lead to a decline in reach and potentially even cause people to unfollow you.

It makes sense from a volume perspective to create similar content, but if you want to keep your followers engaged, you need to switch it up every once in a while. Try posting something new and different or even reposting something from a different perspective.

5. Using excessive/unrelated hashtags

This is a major turn-off for potential new followers. If you want people to take your page seriously, then make sure that you are using relevant hashtags and not stuffing your caption with them.


Using excessive or unrelated hashtags is one of the quickest ways to turn people off your page. It looks unprofessional, and it shows that you are not taking the time to research your hashtags.

When you use too many hashtags, it looks like you’re trying to compensate for something. It makes you look desperate, and it’s a major turn-off for potential new followers. If you want people to take your page seriously, then make sure that you are using relevant hashtags and not stuffing your caption with them.

It never hurts to research your hashtags before you use them. There are a number of different tools that you can use to find the best hashtags for your page. Hashtagify is a great tool that allows you to see how popular a specific hashtag is, and it also shows you related hashtags.

6. Not using Instagram Reels

If you’re looking for a surefire way to get some attention to your page, reels are the way to go. Creating something that is catchy, visually appealing, and also relevant is a great way to increase your chances of going ‘viral,’ which can really help your page. Not to mention, it’s also a great way to show off your creative side and engage younger markets.

If you’re not using Instagram Reels, then you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to gain some exposure for your page. The content you can create is almost infinite, and the ability to capture your reader’s attention is also very high. Reels are a great way to show off your creative side, and they can really help you get some attention from potential new followers.

Instagram is a powerful social media tool that can help you reach a large audience if used correctly. By avoiding the mistakes listed above, you can increase your chances of gaining new followers and maintaining the ones you have. It’s important to always put in the effort to create new and original content and make sure that you are using relevant hashtags. If you’re not using Instagram Reels, you’re missing out on an excellent opportunity to get some exposure for your page. So go out there and start creating some killer content!

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